11 Things That Are Decidedly "In" Or "Out" In 2024

Welcome to beautiful 2024, everyone. You've probably already seen the in/out trend, but in case you haven't, it basically consists of people sharing a notes app version of what they think will be "in" and "out" for the coming year. For example:

tiktok.com / Via tiktok.com

She gets it:

Because I'm the most important person in the world, I thought it would only be kind to share my own ins and outs list with all of you. It's important to note, of course, that I am absolutely an authority here and that nothing I ever say on the internet is in jest. Here goes:

IN: Prohibition-Era Cocktails

a martini against a dark backdrop

OUT: Once-A-Month Photo Dumps on Instagram

I'm not saying you can't post a carousel. But by God, I am bored by the photo dumps. I am banning you ALL from posting 10 random, unrelated pictures and captioning them "🎄❄️December❄️🎄". If you would just post these throughout the month, you would probably have a lot more fun on the app.

If you take a gorgeous selfie, just post it when you want! If you take a banal but strangely touching photo of the mug of coffee on your desk, I want to see it. You do not have to disguise your flexes or earnest moments in a carousel of slop. Instagram should be fun!

IN: Apricots

I'm just really feeling apricots this year. I think lemons have been in, I know avocados have been in, and in my opinion, the humble apricot will be the next to rocket to fame. Apricot jam, dried apricots, apricots fresh off the tree. They are underrated and incredibly chic. Summer 2024 will be big for these fruits.

OUT: Mullets

They had their moment. Everybody say thank you, Miley Cyrus, for looking so bomb in your 2019 Plastic Hearts era. (Seriously, she looked amazing.) But, tragically, the mullet has trickled on down through Bushwick and West Hollywood and is now having its unfortunate renaissance amongst 13-year-old boys. Reader, this is child abuse. Twenty-something men, it is time to set the example for the younger generation and shave that creature off your head. The mullets were admittedly fun for a second, but somebody has to be here to tell you that they look, well, bad! Your self-expression stops here. I declare them OUT. 

IN: Having a Chic Illness (Or Lying About Being A Little Sick)

a painting of a woman wearing a long dress on couch with her small dog

OUT: Faux, Beige Décor, Especially Plants

I get it. We wanted that lived-in, boho vibe. Or maybe you're going for a farmhouse aesthetic. (If you do not live on an actual farm, this has been out since 2022.) But darlings, please; have some self-respect. Buy yourself some real flowers. Thrift a real, actual painting. Put something in your house that shows even an ounce of your lovely personality. No more beige nonsense. No more grass in a vase from Pottery Barn. It is the year of maximalism.

IN: Natural Nails and Regular Nail Polish

person painting their nails

OUT: Vaping

person saying, put the vape down

IN: Whole Milk in Coffee

Ladies and gents, I am trying to get the best flavor out of any given drink, and I'm sorry, but whole milk is and always will be that girl. Now I'm not a complete weirdo; I'm keen on an oat or soy latte when the mood takes me. But why, why, should I deprive myself of the best-tasting, most nutrient-rich form of latte, just because oat milk has been considered more

OUT: Blazers (Outside the Office)

a hand going throw a rack of clothes with text, a closet full of clothes, nothing to wear

IN: Reading Books

person reading a book outside on a patio

I hope this helped you, loyal subjects of BuzzFeed. If you like, feel free to share your own ideas for what's in and out in 2024 (but keep it civil)! Best of luck being as chic as possible in the new year.

heidi klum blowing kisses
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