Having Good Rizz Is Like Having A Black Belt In Flirting, And These 14 People Totally Nailed It

Let's talk about rizz.

Joey saying, "How you doin'?"

Rizz is the new slang word — fine, maybe not brand new — the cool kids are using nowadays to describe flirting, and as someone in their mid-20s, I can attest that, yes, my Gen Z sisters had to define it for me in detail because I had no clue WTF was going on.

If we wanna get technical, rizz is supposedly short for "charisma," but it's really just synonymous with having good game or good flirting skills.

Agatha winking
Agatha winking

Disney Marvel Studios / Via giphy.com

Charming someone or flirting with them is called "rizzing them up," and if your rizz game is particularly masterful, you could even give yourself the title of "Walt Rizzney," "The Grinch Who Stole Rizzmas," or my personal favorite, "The Rizzler."

Recently, people have been showing off their ultimate, bulletproof rizz, and it honestly shows just how funny, a little cringe, and totally endearing flirting and using pick-up lines should be.

1.Let's start off with a classic. I'm not saying I would go out with someone who used this on me, but I'm not saying I wouldn't either.

2.This person could write Shakespeare, but Shakespeare couldn't write this.

3.Tell me you grew up with immigrant parents without telling me you grew up with immigrant parents.

4.Use this line during a meet-cute for an IRL rom-com moment.

5.This person is definitely trying to impress their foodie crush.

6.The art of declaring your love with a mix CD has evolved, and I just have to stan.

7.Use this trick and they'll start calling you the Rizzard of Oz.

  PickUpLinesOnIg / Via Twitter: @pickuplinesonig


9.Spotify better lawyer up with the amount of times this one's gonna be used in the future.

  uhquired / Via Twitter: @uhquired

10.This person took communion to another level.

Who wants to bet Joseph used this line on Mary at one point?

11.If rizz was judged like a gymnastics competition, this person would receive all 10s.

12.*Meows in disappointment and slight embarrassment*

13.Your crush doesn't need to be a historian to get this one.

14.And finally, using kitchen appliances to flirt is a win for me.

Let's be real, rizzing someone up is so much more fun to say than flirting, and I'm not ashamed to admit that it's become part of my everyday vocabulary.

"I'm sitting over there with the cool kids."

Just remember this ancient proverb: With great rizz comes great rizzponsibility.