17 Wildly Interesting Photos That've Changed My Perception Of Certain Foods Forever

1.Here's a bulb of garlic that doesn't have separate cloves — also known as solo garlic.

Solo garlic

2.This is what the seeds of a wild banana look like. Commercially grown bananas are bred genetically, not from seeds, so the ones we eat have much smaller seeds than the ones shown here.

Banana seeds

3.You can order a boba pizza from Domino's in Taiwan. It's a cheese pizza topped with brown sugar tapioca pearls, white mochi balls, and honey.

boba pizza

4.Here's what a strawberry whose seeds have all sprouted looks like.

Strawberry with sprouted seeds

5.This is what a field of growing asparagus looks like.

An asparagus field
Fhm / Getty Images

6.Here's a can of Pringles in Chile, where cartoon mascots for unhealthy snacks are banned. The ruling seeks to fight obesity by regulating companies who target children with their advertising.

A Pringles can

7.Vacuum-sealed watermelon, also known as compressed watermelon, takes on a new color and texture.

Vacuum-sealed watermelon

8.This is the cross-section of a nutmeg.


9.Carrots come in a rainbow of colors.

Different-colored carrots

10.The chocolate you know and love comes from this fruit grown on cacao trees.

Fruit from a cacao tree
Atlantide Phototravel / Getty Images

11.Here's a frozen egg without its shell.

A frozen egg without a shell

12.This is a pickle under ultraviolet light.

A hand holding a pickle

13.Here's a slice of pepper that's experiencing three different stages of ripeness all at once.

Sliced pepper

14.This is how cashews are grown. Though they are commonly referred to as "nuts," the part we eat is actually a seed. The plant itself is related to poison ivy and poison sumac.

Olovedog / Getty Images/iStockphoto

15.Here's how much fruit $10 USD gets you in Ecuador.

An assortment of fruit

16.Here are some peeled pomegranates.


17.Finally, there's such a thing as red bananas. They grow in Southeast Asia, and people claim they taste a bit like raspberries.

Red bananas
Bdspn / Getty Images/iStockphoto

H/T: r/Damnthatsinteresting, r/mildlyinteresting, r/interestingasfuck