17 Funny Messages That Will Make You Laugh So Hard, You'll Cry Like an Emoji 🤣

Love them or hate them, cellphones sure do make it easy to stay in touch with loved ones. And we certainly take advantage: sharing our thoughts on any topic (literally ANY topic), asking questions, sending photos or simply checking in via a quick text. And all that back and forth can lead to some pretty entertaining moments. (And we're not even talking about the LOL-inducing typos, autocorrect errors and other hilarious goofs we all make.) We've collected 19 of the funniest text messages we've ever seen, between parents and their kids, husbands and wives, gal pals, heck…even from the dog! (OK, sure, it's a stretch of the imagination, but when you look at those big eyes, floppy ears and wagging tail, can you really tell us you've never wondered, What would they say if they could talk? We thought so!) Read on for the best funny messages. But be warned: These will make you laugh so hard you may drop your phone!

And for more funny memes, jokes (including our best nurse jokes), cartoons and more, consider subscribing to our print magazine, where we feature funny jokes in every issue!

If your dog could text you…

A funny messages thread between a dog and their owner

Mom for the win!

A funny messages thread between a mom and her kid

Sigh…such a dad joke

A funny messages thread between a dad and his kid

One-track mind

A funny messages thread between a dog and their owner

Nice try, though!

A funny messages thread between a mom and her kid

Oh well, something to tell his future therapist

A funny messages thread between a mom and her kid

Game. Set. Match!

A funny messages thread between a mom and her kid

What's in a name?

A funny messages thread between a dad and his kid

Behind every good man…is a smarter woman!

A funny message thread between a wife and husband

What do they even teach kids in school these days?!

A funny messages thread between a mom and her kid

Is it too late to get a refund on obedience school?

A funny messages thread between a dog and their owner

Man's/Woman's best (codependent) friend!

A funny messages thread between a dog and their owner

Nice try!

A funny message thread between two BFFS

Who's the boss?

A funny messages thread between a dog and their owner

Is this thing working?

A funny messages thread between a mom and her kid

Cleanup, aisle 5!

A funny messages thread between a dog and their owner

For even more laughs, click through the links below!

Funny Dog Jokes That Will Leave You Howling with Laughter

21 Wine Jokes That Will Make You Laugh So Hard You’ll Have to Pee… Again!

50 Halloween Jokes Guaranteed To Tickle *Your* Funny Bone