18 Pictures That Make Me Wonder Why We All Aren't More Afraid Of Lightning

1. This toilet that was INDOORS and lightning struck it by traveling through air vents in the apartment building.

LIGHTNING STRIKE HITS TOILET: Okmulgee crews say they had a bizarre lightning call. They say the lightning came through the vent and struck the toilet, shattering it. Nobody lives in that unit, but crews tell me they were told it was supposed to be rented out this morning. pic.twitter.com/wYraUnopOW

— Brooke Griffin (@brookegrif_tv) May 5, 2022

Twitter: @brookegrif_tv

2. This airplane that looks like it got into a knife fight with the lightning and lost.

N839AA / 8LW is the American #Airlines Boeing 787-9 that took the lightning strike on Feb 20, operating Fl. 60 #Tokyo #NRT to #DFW. This frame is now out of action for a bit. pic.twitter.com/WCLVDC4W88

— DFW Tower (@dfwtower) February 24, 2023

Twitter: @dfwtower

3.This tree that was rendered naked from the lightning. Like, look at all that bark on the ground.

A tree that's missing its bark

4.Though that last tree didn't have it as bad as this one, split down the middle by lightning so perfectly that it looks like two cauliflower steaks.

A tree split completely in half

5.This mailbox that got blown to smithereens by a bolt of lightning.

A destroyed mailbox

6.This lightning that managed to get a hole in one.

Dead grass extending from a golf hole after lightning struck it

7.This BISON that was casually living its life and then *bam* lightning.

A bison with a lightning bolt burn on its back

8.This tree that was struck and left smoldering.

A tree with a big burn in its bark from being struck by lightning

9.This cement that was no match for it. Something about the crackles radiating from the center makes it look so much scarier.

A patch of concrete that was struck by lightning

10.This fishing rod that, with the help of a little lightning strike, looks like it should be cast in The Nightmare Before Christmas.

A blackened fishing rod that was struck by lightning

11.This cactus that had the gross misfortune of being in that place at that time.

A blackened cactus
Gene Lower / Alamy Stock Photo

12.This dirt that was struck by lightning and turned into glass.

Dirt that was turned to glass after being struck by lightning

13.This truck that just got absolutely melted by a lightning strike.

A destroyed and burned truck

14.These "red sprites," rare lightning that forms over a supercell which is harmless but unbelievably creepy.

Red sprites in the sky
John Sirlin / Alamy Stock Photo

15.This man casually walking along when it looks like lightning travels down his umbrella and gets him in the arm.

16.This fossilized lightning. I didn't know it was a thing until right now, but apparently, lightning can instantly fossilize dirt and sediment to make it.

Fossilized lightning
Björn Wylezich / Alamy Stock Photo

17. This wind turbine and its incredibly sad update.

Update - this is the turbine now (taken using his phone + a telescope he has). pic.twitter.com/sAFvicYfxT

— Amy Kinsella (@Amy_M_Kinsella) October 19, 2022

Twitter: @Amy_M_Kinsella

18.Finally, this recycling bin that, quite frankly, stood no chance.

A dog sniffing a melted recycling bin