20 Amazing Hotel Rooms Inspired by Your Favorite Film and TV Shows

Hotels play a starring role in many movies. There’s the creepy empty mountain lodge in The Shining; the rich and slightly corporate Park Hyatt Tokyo in “Lost in Translation;” the luxurious Beverly Wilshire Hotel with its wood panels, chandeliers, and whirlpool tub in “Pretty Woman;” the imaginary pink castle filled with purple-uniformed staff in “The Grand Budapest Hotel.”

Hotels can bring a big variety of settings and moods, from spooky to extravagant to quirky. They also have a unique opportunity to create a scene by designing decor to transport guests to a different place.

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For a few hotels, that different place they transport guests to is a movie set. They are either capitalizing on their movie connection to remind visitors of the movies filmed on their premises. Or they are creating theme rooms to help guest feel like they are characters in their favorite films. Many hotels are offering special packages to replicate as much of the movie experience as they can, or are redoing all of their decor to match specific films.

Here are some of our favorites.