20 Best High-Protein, High-Fiber Breakfasts, According to a Dietitian

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Medically reviewed by Aviv Joshua, MSMedically reviewed by Aviv Joshua, MS

Protein and fiber are essential for overall health, and many protein- and fiber-rich foods provide an array of vitamins and minerals. Proteins are building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Dietary fiber adds bulk to the diet, making you feel full faster, aiding digestion, and helping with weight management.

Research shows that eating more fiber leads to a slower, more gradual release of sugar into the bloodstream, which helps maintain steady blood sugar levels and prevent spikes. Protein also breaks down slower than carbohydrates, which keeps you fuller for longer and may help blood sugar management. Eating more protein can improve blood lipid levels and lower blood pressure.

The recommended protein intake is 10-35% of daily calories, with a minimum of 0.8 grams (g) per kilogram of body weight to prevent deficiencies. However, consuming 1.2 g per kilogram (kg) can reduce age-related muscle and bone loss. Research suggests most adults can tolerate up to 2 g/kg daily or more.

For fiber, adult women (age 19-50) should aim for 25 g daily, and adult men should target 38 g. For adults over 50, women need 21 g, and men need 30 g daily.

Starting your day with a high-protein, high-fiber breakfast can help you meet your nutrition goals and will keep you energized and satisfied throughout the morning.

1. Greek Yogurt With Raspberries and Granola

Dairy products like Greek yogurt offer nutrients such as protein, calcium, and phosphorus. One 7-ounce (oz) container of low-fat plain Greek yogurt provides 19.9 g of protein.

Top with antioxidant-rich berries like raspberries—which provide 8 g of fiber per cup—and granola for flavor and extra protein and fiber. Look for granola that contains nuts and seeds, such as walnuts or sunflower seeds. These are rich in protein and fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants.

2. Oatmeal With Almonds and Apples

Oats contain beta-glucan, a fiber that can support gut health and help manage appetite. One cup of cooked instant oats offers 5.55 g of protein and 3.98 g of fiber.

Top your oatmeal with cinnamon, 1 oz of almonds (6.01 g of protein and 3.54 g of fiber), and 1 cup of sliced apples (2.29 g of fiber). For added protein, consider cooking oats in milk, such as 2% low-fat milk, which offers 8.23 g of protein per cup.

3. Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Quinoa is a gluten-free grain high in protein, fiber, and other nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese. One cup of cooked quinoa delivers 8.14 g of protein and 5.18 g of fiber.

Mix in 1 cup of sliced strawberries, adding 3.32 g of fiber and sweetness. Add hemp seeds for crunch and a mild nutty taste, which provide 9.48 g of protein and 1.2 g of fiber for a 3-tablespoon (tbsp) serving.

4. Cottage Cheese and Avocado Toast

Select a high-fiber bread for toast and sandwiches. One medium slice offers about 3-4 g of fiber and 3 g of protein.

Spread the toast with cottage cheese, which contains about 6 g of protein per one-quarter cup. Top with 1 cup of avocado slices, which adds 9.78 g of fiber and 2.92 g of protein. Avocados are also a good source of healthy unsaturated fats.

5. Egg Omelet With High-Fiber Toast

Eggs are a rich source of nutrients, including protein, vitamin D, B vitamins, and choline, which are essential for brain health.

Make an omelet with 2-3 large eggs, which provides around 12-19 g of protein, and shredded cheddar cheese, which adds 6.49 g of protein per ounce.

Mix in vegetables like onions, mushrooms, or spinach for added nutrients and fiber, and enjoy with high-fiber toast, which offers about 3-4 g of fiber and 3 g of protein per slice.

6. Protein Pancakes With Blueberries

High-protein pancake mixes typically contain ingredients like eggs, whey protein concentrate, or bean protein concentrate, and offer around 15 g of protein per serving. Look for a mix that contains simple ingredients and minimal additives. You can also find recipes to make protein pancakes at home.

Top your pancakes with blueberries, which offer 3.55 g of fiber per cup, and a drizzle of maple syrup for sweetness.

7. Power Smoothie

Smoothies are a convenient way to get protein and fiber in the morning. To make a nutrient-rich smoothie, blend dairy, soy, or pea milk—both offering 8 g of protein per cup—with a cup of frozen mixed berries, which provides 3 g of fiber. Add 1 oz of chia seeds, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, for 4.68 g of protein and 9.75 g of fiber.

You can also boost the protein content with a protein powder, like whey-based protein powder, which provides over 20 g of protein per one-third cup.

8. High-Fiber and High-Protein Cereal

Top high-fiber cereal—5 g or more of fiber per serving—with fruit for extra fiber and seeds for added protein. For example, 1 oz of pumpkin seeds provides 8.56 g of protein.

Top your cereal with dairy milk, soy milk, or pea milk, all of which offer around 8 grams of protein per cup.

9. Peanut Butter and Banana on Toast With Milk

Spread healthy fat and vitamin E-rich peanut butter—about 8 g of protein per 2 tbsp—on high-fiber toast (3-4 g of fiber and 3 g of protein per slice). Top with banana slices for 3.9 g of fiber per cup.

Enjoy with a cup of dairy, soy, or pea milk (around 8 g of protein).

10. Egg Muffin Sandwich

Egg sandwiches are easily customizable and can serve as a filling, nutrient-rich breakfast. Start with a whole-grain English muffin for 4.42 g of fiber and 5.81 g of protein. Add two large eggs (about 12 g of protein) and a slice of high-protein cheese such as cheddar cheese (6.41 g of protein).

Add avocado to your sandwich for extra flavor and 5 g of fiber per one-half cup. Boost your fiber intake further by adding veggies of your choosing, such as spinach and peppers.

11. Protein Waffles With Almond Butter and Pear Slices

Choose high-protein frozen waffles, usually fortified with soy or whey protein concentrate. Two waffles offer about 10-12 g of protein. Toast and pair them with 2 tbsp of almond butter, delivering 6.72 g of protein and 3.3 g of fiber.

Serve alongside sliced pears, offering 4.34 g of fiber per cup.

12. Breakfast Tacos or Burrito

Use high-fiber tortillas for breakfast tacos or burritos. A small (1 oz) high-fiber tortilla can provide 7 g of fiber and 3 g of protein. For the filling, scramble two large eggs (12 g of protein) and mix in one-half cup of canned black beans (7.25 g of protein and 8.3 g of fiber).

Add ingredients like bell peppers, salsa, and avocado for extra nutrients and fiber.

13. Chia Pudding

Chia seeds are rich in minerals like magnesium and zinc and are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. A 1-oz serving also provides 4.68 g of protein and 9.75 g of fiber. To make chia pudding, mix one-quarter cup (2 oz) of chia seeds with 1 cup of milk (8 g of protein for dairy or soy milk).

Refrigerate overnight to let the seeds absorb the liquid and expand. Top with fresh fruits, seeds, or nuts for additional fiber and nutrients.

14. Kefir Smoothie Bowl

Kefir, a tangy fermented milk drink rich in probiotics, is similar to yogurt but thinner in consistency, offering 9.21 g of protein per cup.

Create a nutritious and refreshing smoothie bowl by blending kefir with protein powder (around 20 g per serving) and frozen fruits like dragon fruit (5.58 g of fiber per cup). Top with almonds, berries, or granola for added texture and nutrients.

15. Turkey and Avocado Bagel Sandwich

Incorporate a whole wheat bagel sandwich into your high-protein, high-fiber breakfast routine. A regular-sized whole wheat bagel (105 g) offers 10.7 g of protein and 4.3 g of fiber. Add turkey deli meat or seitan for 13.5 g of protein per 3.5-oz serving and sliced avocados for 9.78 g of fiber per cup.

16. Bean and Tofu Hash

Beans are rich in nutrients like fiber, iron, and B vitamins. Make a plant-based hash by mixing canned black beans (14.5 g protein and 16.6 g fiber per cup) with calcium-fortified tofu (11.4 g protein per one-half cup). Sauté the tofu with your preferred spices, then add black beans.

Serve with avocado, salsa, and cilantro for a flavorful and nutritious vegetarian meal.

17. Buckwheat Breakfast Porridge

Buckwheat groats, the hulled seeds of the buckwheat plant, are a gluten-free whole grain rich in magnesium, copper, and manganese. One cup of cooked buckwheat provides 5.68 g of protein and 4.54 g of fiber.

To cook buckwheat, simply combine it with water, bring it to a boil, and simmer according to the package directions. Boost the protein and fiber content with Greek yogurt (19.9 g of protein per 7 oz) and nuts or seeds.

18. Cottage Cheese Parfait

Similar to yogurt, cottage cheese provides a creamy, protein-rich base for a parfait. One cup contains 23.5 g of protein.

Layer cottage cheese with 1 oz of nuts like pistachios (5.73 g of protein and 3 g of fiber), and 1 cup of fruit like sliced peaches (2.31 g of fiber) for a nutritious, flavorful breakfast option.

19. Egg and Tuna Salad on Toast

Rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, canned tuna is a convenient protein option for any meal.

Create a tuna salad with canned light tuna (21.7 g of protein in a 3-oz serving) mixed with a dollop of mayo or plain Greek yogurt and a large chopped hard-boiled egg (6.24 g of protein). Serve the mixture on high-fiber toast (3-4 g of fiber per slice).

20. Leftover Chicken Fried Rice

Use leftover cooked chicken and rice to create breakfast fried rice. Skinless chicken breast offers 25.9 g of protein per 3-oz portion. Start by scrambling eggs (6.24 g of protein per large egg) in a skillet, then set aside. Sauté chopped stir-fry veggies like bell peppers, carrots, peas, and onions (about 4 g of fiber per cup).

Add diced leftover cooked chicken and brown rice (3.23 g of fiber per cup), then return the eggs to the skillet. Season with low-sodium soy sauce and sesame oil and cook until heated through.

Tips for Making High-Protein, High-Fiber Meals

If you're new to meal planning and want to incorporate more protein into your diet, start with ready-to-eat lean protein foods. These might include yogurt, protein-rich cereal or bread, and plant-based options like canned beans and soy milk. Protein powder can also be especially helpful in reaching your protein goals.

For fiber, keep fruits, nuts, and seeds nearby to toss into cereals and smoothie bowls or enjoy on their own as a snack. Stock up on whole grains like oats, quinoa, and whole wheat bread, which provide protein and fiber. Try to include a variety of foods in your diet to get all the different nutrients they offer and to keep your meals interesting.

A Quick Review

A high-protein, high-fiber breakfast is good for your overall health, giving you energy, satisfaction, and essential nutrition to kickstart your day.

High-protein breakfast foods might include Greek yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, black beans, and protein-enriched pancakes and cereal. High-fiber breakfast foods include berries, avocado, and fiber-rich bread.

Many of these foods pair well together to create a balanced, nutritious, and flavorful breakfast.

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