27 Wild "Love Is Blind" Season 4 Behind-The-Scenes Facts, Straight From The Cast Themselves

Warning: MAJOR Love Is Blind spoilers for the entirety of Season 4.

It's over. We did it. Love Is Blind Season 4 is all out, and it's probably the most chaotic season we've seen thus far.

  Courtesy of Netflix / BuzzFeed
Courtesy of Netflix / BuzzFeed

So, BuzzFeed (virtually) sat down with the cast before the show debuted (and before they'd had a chance to see it) to find out exactly what happened behind the scenes:

Note: Bliss and Josh were not present for the interviews.

1.This season was filmed in the spring of 2022.

<div><p>"We filmed about a year ago," Tiffany said. </p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

"We filmed about a year ago," Tiffany said.

Courtesy of Netflix

2.Kwame had friends reach out after he was announced as a cast member to ask if the show was scripted.

<div><p>"You almost can't quite fathom how deep of a connection people are garnering through this. And going through it, I learned to be significantly less judgmental. I realized, unless you've gone through an experience, you don't know what that person is going through. And going through it, I realized how deep I fell in love and how real it was and how real it felt. Going from viewer to participant made me realize, like, how real this really is," he said.</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

3.Tiffany said that she fell asleep on her date with Brett after "talking for hours" and having some tequila.

<div><p>"We were having a date, and Brett and I's favorite tequila is Casamigos. For some reason, he decided there should be a big bottle of Casamigos and we're going to take a shot. It was late! We're talking for hours on end. A girl needed to nap! It was not intentional. My friends actually have albums of me falling asleep in random places. I just hate that during, like, one of our final dates together," she said.</p></div><span> Netflix</span>

4.Irina said that the awkward cupcakes moment with Bliss in their living quarters was "funny."

<div><p>"For me, that moment — I don't know how it's going to end up showing up — but I genuinely was like 'Shoot, I forgot Zack's birthday.' I literally wanted to get a freaking candle and put it in, like, a hot dog or something," she said. "I was like, 'Honestly, Bliss if you don't want to give it to me I 100% understand, but like, I'm gonna take my shot.' I'm gonna take my shot and I'm gonna ask her! It didn't feel as serious to me as I think maybe it did for her, I'm not sure. I thought it was funny, honestly. Seeing her making cupcakes in the kitchen, she looked adorable. She was just like a little wifey, her dress flowing through the kitchen was adorable. I was slumped up on the couch being like, 'Oh, I just took the L [in] forgetting Zack's birthday.'"</p><p>Irina has <a href="https://go.redirectingat.com?id=74679X1524629&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Fnatashajokic1%2Flove-is-blind-season-4-interview&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.today.com%2Fpopculture%2Ftv%2Flove-is-blind-irina-apologizes-immature-behavior-rcna77899&xcust=7378319%7CBF-VERIZON&xs=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:since;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">since</a> apologized for her behavior on the show.</p></div><span> Netflix</span>

5.When asked about the moment where Irina and Micah listened in on Amber talking about her breakup from Paul, Micah said that how she gets "through things" is by "being funny."

<div><p>"Something about having Irina in the pods really brought a human aspect to things for me. It was so high stress being in the pods — you're talking to so many people, you're trying to figure out who you're going to be with," she said. "I think having her took a very serious experience and helped me take a laugh to it. That's something I need to cope. Maybe people watching that might be like, 'Oh, you don't care, you're not taking things seriously.' It's actually quite the opposite, it's how I get through things — being funny."</p><p>Micah has since <a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashajokic1/love-is-blind-micah-irina-apology" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:apologized;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">apologized</a> for her behavior on the show.</p></div><span> Netflix</span>

6.Jackie said that she wanted Zack a few feet away from her because of an incident that involved his singing.

<div><p>"There was a thing in Mexico where he was singing, and it really cut me off. Because I'm like, <i>I don't know why you're over here singing in the middle of this restaurant</i>. I'm just coming here to have a good time. I don't need this! So I was just like, <i>I'm just gonna go and mind my business and go talk with the girls and I want him to be COVID-distance away from me</i>," she said with a laugh.</p></div><span> Netflix</span>

7.Micah doesn't have "any regrets" about her relationship with Kwame but said that she hopes that nothing she did "causes any issues" with him and Chelsea.

When asked if she would have done anything with Kwame differently in hindsight, Micah said,

8.And Chelsea said that she "really respected" that Kwame "wanted to be sure" about their relationship when asked about how she viewed his interactions with Micah in hindsight.

<div><p>"I mean, it's part of the experience. We go on a show and the person that you may end up with already dated 15 other women. I think it's very normal and natural to have connections with other people, we're very multifaceted. I don't have any hard feelings towards that. They needed to have their time together and figure that out and see if it was going to be a match. I really respected that Kwame really wanted to know, he wanted to be sure. I genuinely respected that throughout the experience. I have no hard feelings towards that. I do think everything happens for a reason," she said.</p><p>Chelsea has <a href="https://go.redirectingat.com?id=74679X1524629&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Fnatashajokic1%2Flove-is-blind-season-4-interview&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eonline.com%2Fnews%2F1370962%2Fhow-love-is-blinds-chelsea-reacted-to-watching-micah-and-kwames-pool-scene-on-tv&xcust=7378319%7CBF-VERIZON&xs=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:since;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">since</a> said that she did not realize how "deeply" Kwame and Micah had "connected" until she watched the show back.</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

9.When asked about his conversations with Micah in Mexico and on Chelsea's birthday, Kwame echoed that he "would not have done anything differently."

<div><p>"I think it all happened the way it was supposed to. I think obviously, we're human beings, we're dynamic, we have connections along the road, right? That's supposed to happen. I don't look at it in a way where I have any kind of regret at all. I think that I had to learn from that part of my journey, in order to figure out, you know, where my journey was intended to end," Kwame said.</p></div><span> Netflix</span>

10.Irina knew that things wouldn't work out with Zack when she saw him after the pods.

<div><p>"I know that when I saw Zack, I just felt something in my gut. I felt something holding me back from him. Our whole trip in Mexico, I feel like I really was trying to give it a chance and trying to open up and have this relationship with him — but I just couldn't; I felt like I was forcing it," Irina said. "Nothing was bad about him. He didn't look bad. He didn't really do anything. It was just more something inside me, that I just didn't feel right at all. I couldn't push back at it. I mean, I would shock myself because we did have such a big connection in the pods."</p></div><span> Netflix</span>

11.And Zack knew their relationship was over on the second day of their trip to Mexico.


12.Nothing happened between Paul and Irina.

<div><p>"Meeting Paul helped me realize that what I felt I had so naturally with Paul was an energy that I was trying to push so much with Zack. I didn't feel that. It just made me realize I want to be with someone that I have this natural energy with," Irina said. "Nothing happened. Nothing will happen."</p></div><span> Netflix</span>

"Meeting Paul helped me realize that what I felt I had so naturally with Paul was an energy that I was trying to push so much with Zack. I didn't feel that. It just made me realize I want to be with someone that I have this natural energy with," Irina said. "Nothing happened. Nothing will happen."


13.Irina said that Micah is "one of her best friends" and that they hang out "almost every day."

<div><p>"We're completely good — we'll see when the show comes out if there's anything we didn't realize that we said," Irina added with a laugh. "I feel really lucky to have met her."</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

"We're completely good — we'll see when the show comes out if there's anything we didn't realize that we said," Irina added with a laugh. "I feel really lucky to have met her."

Courtesy of Netflix

14.When it came to Shelby, Micah said that she is her "rock" and has a "motherly instinct."

<div><p>"She is my best friend in the world, we're like sisters. She's pretty much my rock in a lot of different ways. I would say she's almost to the tune of a third parent. She just cares so deeply about people and she has a very motherly instinct, and she definitely puts it on me a lot. She's really protective, she does not want anyone messing with me," Micah said. "She has seen me go through a lot in relationships in the past, and she's just not willing to hear it and doesn't want to listen to me complain anymore, for one. Two, she just really cares about about me and wants me to be happy."</p></div><span> Netflix</span>

15.When asked about the moment she decided to end things with Marshall and pursue things with Josh, Jackie said that she didn't feel "comfortable" or "happy" with the former.

Jackie replied,

16.For Jackie, Love Is Blind is "always going to be a part of" her story with Josh.

While Jackie declined saying how things are with her and Josh now, she said,

17.And Marshall said that "Josh and Jackie are perfect for each other."

When asked about how he'd processed what happened between Josh and Jackie, Marshall replied,

18.Marshall never got the ring back from Jackie.

When asked, he simply laughed and said,

When asked, he simply laughed and said, "No."


19.Chelsea said that she would have moved to Portland, but it "made sense" for her and Kwame to be in Seattle.

<div><p>"Portland is cute and I would have moved there. I really would have. My job is here in Seattle and Kwame works remotely. It just made sense for us to be here," she said.</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

"Portland is cute and I would have moved there. I really would have. My job is here in Seattle and Kwame works remotely. It just made sense for us to be here," she said.

Courtesy of Netflix

20.And she and Kwame had discussions about their love life off camera.

<div><p>"Once we get back to Seattle, it's really intense. I mean, I'm working a 10-hour shift, I'm coming home, we're filming. And on top of it, we are going through a lot together — sifting it out and figuring out, are we really for each other? There were lots of conversations in that time span that happened behind the camera, and that's the way we preferred it. It's not all about the flashy Hollywood story, we're real people with real lives and real paths. And that part of the journey was difficult," Chelsea said.</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

21.Kwame has grown to "love" Seattle.

<div><p>"I'm sure we all went into it for the right reasons. But you don't actually think it's going to happen, right? Like, you don't actually walk through those doors and think,<i> Oh, yeah, I'm here. I'm gonna get married</i>. You think to yourself, <i>I'm here to be part of this experience and really get the most out of it for myself.</i> And so, when all these massive changes started staring me in the face, I did not see them coming. It definitely was a big switch in life, but I'm fortunate that I made it. I had low expectations of Seattle life and that's definitely changed around. I definitely love this place a lot now," Kwame said.</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

22.Paul said that he "definitely wasn't resolute" that things weren't going to work out between him and Micah — and that he made his decision at the altar.

<div><p>"I did not know what I was gonna say until the moment that the words were coming out of my mouth. That was really intense for me, very stressful, but I knew that I wanted to make the right choice. Then the truth just came to me in that moment," he said.</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

"I did not know what I was gonna say until the moment that the words were coming out of my mouth. That was really intense for me, very stressful, but I knew that I wanted to make the right choice. Then the truth just came to me in that moment," he said.

Courtesy of Netflix

23.Tiffany said that she and Brett "didn't have many challenges" once the cameras left.

<div><p>"It was better for me once the cameras left," Tiffany said. "It was actually hard for me filming during the show — being so vulnerable on camera and putting yourself out there — but I think it's only gotten better [with Brett since the show]."</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

"It was better for me once the cameras left," Tiffany said. "It was actually hard for me filming during the show — being so vulnerable on camera and putting yourself out there — but I think it's only gotten better [with Brett since the show]."

Courtesy of Netflix

24.And Tiffany found it challenging having to be "strategic" about where she went with Brett so they could keep their relationship under wraps after filming.

<div><p>"You want to live your regular life, you want to show off your person. Having to be strategic about where we go out to eat or even something like working out together is something that we can't do. I'm ready for the show to air so that way I can show off my man!" she added with a laugh.</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

"You want to live your regular life, you want to show off your person. Having to be strategic about where we go out to eat or even something like working out together is something that we can't do. I'm ready for the show to air so that way I can show off my man!" she added with a laugh.

Courtesy of Netflix

25.Brett said that Tiffany actually moved to Portland with him after the show.

<div><p>"I've lived by myself for many, many years. And you know, she lived in Seattle. That relocation happened pretty instantly, for her to move down to Portland. Our lives went from living separate to literally bashed together. But I think, with all things considered, we've been doing phenomenally. As good as anybody, I think, could imagine for two people to have met in seven weeks and then move in together within that timeframe," Brett said.</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

26.Zack said things with Bliss are "going great."

<div><p>"They're going great, honestly. But I think I'd like to keep our conversation with what happened up to the wedding," he added.</p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

"They're going great, honestly. But I think I'd like to keep our conversation with what happened up to the wedding," he added.

Courtesy of Netflix

27.Micah said that she's "definitely single" but things with Paul are still "TBD."

<div><p>"After everything that happened at the wedding, I think we both needed time to work on ourselves. I think we have a lot of growing to do, apart and together, if we were ever to get back together. So I think it's something that's TBD, but as of now, I'm definitely single. I'm hoping that whether it's Paul, or whether it's someone else, I am able to find my person," Micah said. </p></div><span> Courtesy of Netflix</span>

Thanks for talking to us, everyone! Love Is Blind Season 4 is now available on Netflix.

Note: Quotes have been edited for length and clarity.