28 Easy and Delicious Date Night Dinner Ideas

Let us guess—it's been way too long since your last date night. Life has a knack for getting in the way of small pleasures like date nights. It can take forever to get reservations at the new restaurant downtown, and who has time to get all dolled up for date night when there are kids dirty from soccer practice running around the house? We get it. But there is still a way to plan a romantic date night. It's time to clear your schedule for a few hours to enjoy an at-home dinner together.

With these amazing date night dinner ideas, you won't even realize you're not at a fancy restaurant. And staying in doesn't just save your schedule some hassle, but it's also much more budget-friendly than eating out. Even if you're trying to save up, you can still treat yourself to one of our affordable date ideas. These fun dinner recipes take pantry staples and weeknight favorites like pasta, chicken thighs, and pork chops and dress them up for an adults-only dinner. With these five-star suppertime superstars, you'll save money and get to focus on what matters about date night—each other. No reservation required.