29 Of The Dumbest Things About COVID That People Somehow Decided Were A Good Idea To Post On The Internet

Hi besties. How we all doing today?

Coraline's dad typing while looking sad in Coraline

^This is how I'm doing.

Focus Features

We're still dealing with COVID-19. The delta variant and back-to-school season have caused new surges.


And yet, people still won't take the damn vaccine, or wear masks, or social distance. And worse, they're spewing their idiotic ideas on the internet.

Dumbledore saying "after all this time?" in Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Here are a bunch of people who are STILL posting some damn nonsense online regarding COVID.

1.This guy compared mask-wearing to slavery:

"Illinois requires me to wear a mask so I am choosing to not spend m time there. I like breathing and appearing as a human being not a masked slave."
u/tindonot / Reddit / Via reddit.com

2. This person who claimed HIV is in the vaccine:

3. All these people who didn't seem to realize they got COVID:

4. This person who compared getting the vaccine to having your company's initials tattooed on your forehead:

5. This person who asked a question rife with falsehoods:

6. This person who I can only hope was being sarcastic:

7.And this one, who I literally PRAY was joking:

one person says vaccine passports have been around since 1700s, and another person replies saying that wasn't a vaccine passport, that was a piece of paper saying you were vaccinated, and it only lasted until the problem was controlled
u/leah2106 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

8.This person who was confident they could treat disease themselves:

person says they don't want vaccine or hospitals or medical care because they have a monopoly, so the person will just treat themselves
u/CalvinCandie420 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

9.This person who compared vaccines to Twinkies:

one person says FDA approved means nothing, as Twinkies are FDA approved - another replies "please don't inject yourself with twinkies"
u/Reiders-theaters93jx / Reddit / Via reddit.com

10. This redditor who refused to believe the Pfizer vaccine and Comirnaty vaccine were the same thing:

11. This person who had trouble understanding what "antivaxxer" meant:

12. This person who was using "math" to suggest...something, but I'm not really sure what:

13.This person, who should've been careful what they wished for:

person says they'd rather get COVID than vaccine then later says they have covid and asks for prayers
u/creatingastorm / YouTube / Via reddit.com

14. This person who compared laws around HIV and COVID:

15. This person who said fact-checkers were a part of the conspiracy:

16.This post-vaccine horror story that we were apparently expected to believe:

person saying friend projectile vomited black blood and bled from basically everywhere after getting the vaccine
u/dhvalden / Via reddit.com

17.These people who casually swapped stories of being actually evil:

people swap stories about licking their credit cards and picking their nose before giving their card to a cashier
u/42words / Reddit / Via reddit.com

18. This person who decided to take ivermectin:

19.And this person who started to see a few unwelcome side effects from it:

someone says they pooped in their pants on ivermectin, asking if that's normal
u/creatingastorm / Reddit / Via reddit.com

20. And this person, whose husband apparently went blind from taking it:

21. This person who was swiftly proved wrong:

22. This person who thought the vaccine caused allergies:

23.This person who was a little confused about the flu:

person posts that it's a mystery how the flu disappeared, saying there's barely been any flu since covid
u/averagedickdude / Reddit / Via reddit.com

24. This person who definitely believes in the Illuminati:

25. This person who apparently thought nature would favor the unvaccinated:

26. This person was confused about how school works:

27. This person who owned themselves:

28.This person who thought a lack of free donuts was "discrimination":

person shares article about free krispy kreme for vaccinated people and someone comments that it seems like discrimination
u/WienerSchnitzel01 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

29. And finally, this person who used some shaky fart-related evidence:

Please check out our COVID coverage and the CDC's guidelines and resources. Stay safe and please, for the love of god, stop posting nonsense online.