These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week & They’re One Step Ahead Of Everyone Else

The next few days will bring forth a series of fluctuating energy shifts, but three lucky zodiac signs will have the best week from September 12 to 18. However, it all depends on their ability to adapt to their changing circumstances, because on top of being fickle and fast-paced, the mutable energy of Virgo season is currently the dominating force at play. And if you’re willing to go with the flow, the upcoming transits could be equally as insightful as they are productive.

Once the moon enters stability-seeking Taurus at the start of the week, Luna will join forces with spontaneous Uranus which will heighten your intuitive awareness and increase your desire for freedom. During this time, you may be more likely to receive flashes of insight that catch you off guard with their accuracy. Your brilliant-beyond-brilliant idea is currently loading, so don’t sleep on your quirky perspective and rebellious flare. You’re being called to revolutionize your sense of security, so chances are your values are changing along with it.

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Let’s not forget that Taurus is governed by romantic and luxurious Venus, so it’s important to consider the fact that Venus is currently moving through methodical Virgo. This is bringing focus to practical matters such as your daily rituals, work routines and general mindfulness. If you’re choosing to switch things up for the better, reflect on the ways you can implement small, but meaningful changes into your everyday life.

Image: Imaxtree; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Image: Imaxtree; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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The good news? On September 15, the moon’s shift into Gemini will bring some much-needed clarity, but it’s up to you to solidify next steps and make the decisions that need to be made in the process. This last quarter moon in Gemini moon will later form a constructive trine with taskmaster Saturn on September 17. A time to recalibrate and cultivate balance, this is an opportunity to set the record straight, and get down to business.

The sun will harmonize with transformative Pluto on September 18, which will likely increase your productivity and levels of assertion. You can have anything you put your mind to, so reach for the stars. If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of these zodiac signs, here’s why you’re feeling so inspired under this week’s astro weather:

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’re finding your power behind the scenes, especially with your flourishing planetary ruler, Venus, transiting your 12th house of dreams, healing and secrets. What have you been manifesting in the background? Significant partnerships could become solidified on September 12, as the Aries moon connects with structured Saturn, which will likely bring emphasis to your individual autonomy and heart’s desires. And with Mercury already retrograde in Libra, this could be an exciting opportunity coming back around for a second look. Communicate clearly, and be discerning with your commitments. There’s no room for indecisiveness either!

The moon will be joining forces with freedom-loving Uranus on September 14, which could bring a few unexpected revelations. Don’t be alarmed by this shake-up. On the contrary, despite whether you choose to keep this new venture a secret, the foundation of a significant partnership is transforming, and many of you will experience a well-deserved level up in the process. Venus will square off with Mars in Gemini on September 16, which could reignite your passion and motivation—personally or professionally—so be sure to harness this energy productively. (hobbies, researching topics of interest, etc.) This is fertile energy, whether you decide to use it creatively or with regards to your finances. Time to manifest, babe.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For September 2022

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

This week, you’re spending time brainstorming and reveling in all your many talents. Just before the moon concludes its journey through fiery Aries and your fifth house of love, passion projects and self-expression on September 12, Luna will harmonize with Saturn, which happens to be retrograding through your curious third house of ideas, communication and local surroundings. Are you maximizing your resources? Be it an exciting work venture, or an opportunity to use your voice in a community setting, you’re being encouraged to take the lead! And well, if not now, then when? You got this, Sagittarius!

The moon will also be entering stability-seeking Taurus shortly after, where it will eventually join forces with rebellious Uranus on September 14. Who are we kidding? You know a thing or two about taking the spontaneous route, but this could be equally as surprising as it is liberating. Having said that, how can you break free from stagnant routines that have been stifling your personal freedom? You’re being invigorated and inspired, so keep following your intuition. Say goodbye to the mundane, and hello to your new adventure.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For September 2022

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Express your gratitude and bask in the many blessings you’re about to receive. On September 13, the moon will make its debut in Taurus, bringing emotional emphasis to your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure and self-expression. Don’t undermine your accomplishments, because you’ve already come so far. And with Venus transiting through your expansive ninth house of worldly pursuits, people around you are admiring and celebrating everything from your entrepreneurial ventures to your devoted belief systems.

Keep in mind, this could also have something to do with a skill you’ve mastered that requires you to be more hands-on. Although, with the moon joining forces with Uranus the following day, you’re either going to be caught off guard with excitement and passion, or enlightened with regards to a creative muse. As if this weren’t enough reason to act on your spontaneous desires, the week will come to a close on a powerful note, as the sun—via your ninth house of adventure—will harmonize with Pluto in Capricorn on September 18. Your recent transformation is reflecting onto your ideals and long term goals, and a beautiful new chapter awaits you.

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