30 Things You Should Have on Hand for Inclement Winter Weather

Our winter storm prep list will help you get ready for cold weather and precipitation.

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Getty Images / ondacaracola photography

Preparing for a sudden winter storm should be a top priority if you live in a cold climate or a climate with a history of winter storms. From candles and matches to pet food and supplies, we've covered all the bases with our winter storm prep list to ensure you and your family can withstand several days of worst-case winter scenarios.

Check our list of the 30 things you should have on hand at home before inclement winter weather arrives.

Winter Storm Prep List

Assemble the following items before winter weather arrives.

1. Battery Packs and Mobile Chargers

Unfortunately, you can't pop new batteries into your smartphone when it dies. Stay prepared with mobile charging banks charged to 100% before power outages.

2. Battery-Powered Flashlight

Many modern flashlights rely on internal batteries and USB charging. In the event of power outages, make sure you have at least one powerful flashlight that uses replaceable batteries.

3. Battery-Powered NOAA Weather Radio

You need a battery-powered NOAA weather radio to stay updated on current and future weather situations when you lose power,

4. Batteries

Battery-powered devices are useless without plenty of backup batteries. If you already have batteries, confirm they are compatible with your devices and haven't expired.

5. First-Aid Kit

A quick trip to the drugstore isn't always possible during a winter storm, so it's best to have a complete first-aid kit.

6. Non-Perishable Food

In bad winter storms, there's no telling how long you could be holed up inside your home without power. Stock up on high-calorie, non-perishable food items such as dried fruits, granola bars, nuts, and other food that doesn't require refrigeration or cooking.

7. Manual Can Opener

If you've stocked up on canned goods, make sure you have a manual can opener.

Related: The 10 Best Manual Can Openers of 2023

8. Baby Items

Babies' needs don't change when winter storms arrive. Stock up on plenty of formula, diapers, medications, and other baby supplies.

9. Pet Items

Pets rely on us to prepare them for winter storms. You need plenty of pet food and anything else your pet needs.

10. Prescription Medications

If you run out of prescription medication in a winter storm, you may be out of luck. Before winter arrives, have your medications refilled.

11. Candles

When the lights go out, candles can be a lifesaver.

12. Matches

Whether lighting a candle, a gas stove, or a heater, there's no understating the value of matches during a winter storm.

13. Shovel

Keep a shovel on hand to remove snow and ice.

14. Non-Electric Heat Source and Fuel

If your home relies on electricity for heat, as most do, have a non-electric heat source such as a gas-powered space heater and enough compatible fuel to get you through the storm.

15. Generator and Gas

A gas-powered generator is a game-changer if your home loses power for an extended period. Just don't forget to stock up on gas ahead of time

16. Battery-Powered Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detector

The air quality can be affected by alternative heat sources and cooking methods during a winter storm. Make sure your carbon monoxide detector and smoke detectors work on battery power.

17. Bottled Water

When pipes freeze, bottled water is a must. Plan on having 1 gallon per person per day. Store it in a spot with the lowest potential to freeze, such as in the middle of the house or near a heat source.

18. Thermal Emergency Blanket and Warm Clothes

Emergency blankets and extra warm clothes are must-haves, especially if you plan to leave your house.

19. Windshield Scraper

The ice buildup on windshields during a winter storm often isn't comparable to the thin layer you scrape off before your morning commute. Keep a windshield scraper on hand if you plan to drive.

Related: The 8 Best Ice Scrapers of 2023, Tested and Reviewed

20. Emergency Flares

In an emergency, a phone may not work to call for help. Emergency flares let other people know your location when you need assistance.

21. Manual Indoor Thermometer

A manual indoor thermometer keeps tabs on the inside temperature when you don't have power. It is especially beneficial when you're rationing fuel for your heat source or generator.

22. Toiletries

Toiletries run out quickly when you're unable to buy more as needed. Stock up on the necessities to keep your family comfortable.

23. Multitool

Along with a knife, screwdriver, and pliers, a multitool is handy to have during a winter storm.

24. Contact Information

When you lose power, you may not be able to find the contact information you need with a quick internet search. Before a winter storm arrives, write down crucial contacts on paper.

25. Games

Winter storms aren't fun, but games can help pass the time, especially when you have kids.

Related: The 50 Best Board Games of 2023

26. Cash

Don't rely on your credit cards when everyone's power is out. Visit the ATM before the storm hits for emergency cash. You might need it for gas if you have to leave home.

27. Copies of Personal Documents

If you're used to relying on digital copies of personal documents, print out hard copies ahead of a winter storm.

28. Cooler With Ice

Ice? During a winter storm? Yes, you need it to extend the freshness of food once your freezer loses power.

29. Tire Chains

Increase the odds of leaving your house and get your car as winter-ready as possible with tire chains.

30. Storage Containers and Bags

After you assemble your winter storm kit, buy heavy-duty storage containers and vacuum-seal bags to keep everything in one safe place.

Related: The 13 Best Storage Containers

Stay Prepared for Winter Weather

Whether you're compiling a new winter storm kit or freshening up an old one, consider things that may benefit your specific needs, which may not be included on the above checklist. If you're freshening up an existing winter-preparedness kit, don't forget to replace expired items, including batteries and electronics that might no longer work.

Related: Prep Your Home for Winter with Our Fall Maintenance Checklist

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