Angel Number 13—What It Means, Why You're Seeing It and Everything You Need To Know

Angel Number 13

If you've been hearing a lot about angel numbers and numerology these days, you're not alone—it seems like everyone is talking about them. Angel numbers are a series of numbers that appear together, and keep showing up in someone's life in order to send a message. They are called angel numbers—or soul numbers—because many people believe that this is how angels guide us in our everyday lives. And one of these common examples is angel number 13.

What is the 13 angel number? Within a set of numbers, like the 13 angel number, there are beliefs attributed to those specific sequences that give significance to certain aspects of your life (such as love, making decisions, career choices and more). According to numerology, this number is a signifier of change. 

The angel number 13 represents following your dreams. When this number keeps showing up in your life, it is thought to mean that angels are trying to tell you help guide you to what you truly want. Continue reading to find out the meaning of angel number 13and how it applies to your life!

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How Do Angel Numbers Work?

There are a couple of different theories as to how angel numbers work. One is calculated from your birthdate (much like your life path number) and the other, more widely accepted methodology, is based on numbers repeatedly revealing themselves to you through different means.

Angel numbers can show up in your life in many different ways. They may show up as a time that you keep seeing, a phone number that keeps accidentally calling you, license plate numbers that you pass by, or even the total of your lunch bill. What's most important is that you notice when these numbers show up, and recognize that the pattern may be trying to tell you something.

Related: 6 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Seeing Angel Numbers—and How To Start

Angel Number 13 Meaning

What does 13 mean in angel numbers? Angel number 13 is a message that you could be experiencing a fresh start soon. The angels are trying to tell you to focus on the desires of your heart as they pertain to your happiness, as well as to try out new adventures that will bring about transitions that can make your life better. The 13 angel number is also a sign from the universe to trust the process and welcome transitions with open arms. 

Concerning numerology, the 13 angel meaning pertains to what could be considered the end to your existence as "matter" and your evolution into existing in the "spirit." You may feel as though you're happy in your life, but if you repeatedly see the number 13, it could mean that you aren't quite fulfilled. However, the angels are encouraging you to reach that fulfillment and show you your full potential!

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Why Do I Keep Seeing Angel Number 13?

If you are repeatedly seeing 13 and wondering why, then look no further! Seeing the angel number 13 is an indication that you are entering a time in your life that will require you to welcome changes heading your way. It is a sign that you are in a transition period that should not be ignored. 

One of the main meanings behind angel number 13 is that you need to follow your heart—especially if you're unsure of what your heart wants. The reason the angels are showing this number to you is to get you to realize that you've known your true heart's desire all along, you may just need help remembering it. Allow this message to reach the depths of you, and trust the process!

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What Does Number 13 Symbolize?

Balance and harmony can be applied to the number 13's meaning. How, you may ask? If you look at the calendars used by ancient Aztecs, as well as in Celtic culture, they revolve around the number 13. The Aztec calendar was comprised of two different cycles—the ritual cycle and the civil cycle. The ritual cycle was 260 days long, with 20 months each equaling 13 days. The Celtic calendar followed the lunar cycle, and therefore had 13 months in a year, each with 28 days. These cycles of the number 13 definitely seem to involve balance and careful calculations.

Although largely considered unlucky (see the biblical references below), the number 13 can actually demonstrate good luck. In much the same way that the 13 angel number reminds us to remain positive and to trust that the universe is showing us how we can reach our greatest potential, or our whole selves, the number 13 represents that full circle completion of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle.

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What Does 13 Mean Spiritually?

Spiritually, angel number 13 represents the cycle of endings and rebirth. In this way, we could apply the necessity to rid your life of any negative energy to make room for opportunities and what you really desire out of life as a complete cycle. Your guardian angels want you to grow spiritually, and making the number 13 show up in your life is a way for them to try and get that message across. All you have to do is pay attention and act accordingly!

The negative spiritual connotation of the number 13 comes from the 13th chapter of Revelation, which outlines the antichrist or the "beast." Overall, the number 13 in the Bible suggests that a change is coming, but not necessarily a good one depending on how you look at it.

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What Is 13 in Love?

The message of angel number 13 as it pertains to love is also one of change, but a much more positive one than the biblical meaning! When you see angel number 13 and you have romance on your mind, it could be a great indication that your soulmate is going to enter your life soon! When it comes to changes in your love life, it's important to keep an open mind and allow yourself to enjoy new opportunities that come your way. 

Just like with any change in life, it would be beneficial to send intentions out into the world to help manifest the outcome you'd like to receive. If you keep seeing the angel number 13 and you're single but are ready for a meaningful relationship, this is the time for you to really hone in on what it is you want and prepare for it!

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What Does It Mean When You See 1313 in Love?

The meaning of seeing the angel number 1313 in love is much the same as seeing the number 13, with more of an enhancement on twin flames. Since this number is double 13s, it is definitely an indication that you could meet your soulmate soon!

This number represents the strong bond, especially spiritually, between twin flames even if they are currently apart. What you should focus on if you're seeing 1313 is that you will either be reunited with your twin flame, or that they will come into your life for the first time. Use this knowledge to set your expectations and intentions from the very beginning. Knowing what you want and the best way to get it will make this experience all the more enjoyable for you!

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13 Angel Number Twin Flame

A twin flame is a person you meet and immediately feel a deep connection with. It's said that the two halves of a twin flame relationship are actually the same soul, separated with the only driving factor being to find the other once more. When looking at angel number 13, in respect to twin flames, it's a great indication that your relationship is about to receive a spiritual boost! 

The 13 meaning for twin flames could mean that you need to learn to let each other grow in order to fully embrace the true connection that you share. If you feel that you're going through a rough time with your twin flame and the angel number 13 is revealing itself to you, know that all your hard work is about to pay off. Once the two of you work through whatever hindrance you're feeling, get ready for your relationship to go to the next level!

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How Does Angel Number 13 Influence Your Finances or Career?

The angel number 13 meaning, as it pertains to your career, is that you are ready to reach your full potential. Your guardian angels are urging you to keep a positive mindset and have faith that everything will work out in your favor. This number should give you the courage to manifest what it is you truly desire, especially when it comes to your finances and career.

Take angel number 13 showing up in your life as a sign to leave an unfulfilling job in order to pursue your passions, or focus on your artistic abilities and your hobbies so they can become more lucrative for your future. Or if you're in a position that you want to be in but are looking for a promotion, take the plunge and suggest those ideas you've been too afraid to bring up! Now is the time to go for what you really want.

The bottom line is that you should take the risks you've been putting off for fear of failure. Seeing 13 should reassure you that you have the means necessary to make the transitions you wish to make.

How To Meditate on or Harness Angel Number 13

Angel number 13 is a significant number regarding manifestation and the law of attraction. It carries the energy of positive change as well as expansion, and should serve as a reminder that this is a time to work with the universe to achieve our goals. If you are seeing the angel number 13 on a regular enough basis to notice a pattern, take the time to meditate and work with the positive energy that is surrounding you. The number 13 is symbolizing that this is a time of change and growth for you, so make the most of it!

The law of attraction states that what you think or verbalize is what you receive. For instance, if you're constantly down in the dumps and always speak in a demeaning way, chances are you'll only recognize the negativity that comes your way. If you choose to change your mindset and focus on what the universe is offering you and what you can achieve for yourself, your life could change for the better!

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