Animal Sanctuary's Compilation of All the Ways Goat Is a Great Father Is Everything

The Gentle Barn sanctuary in Tennessee is celebrating Father's Day with their very own Father of the Year. Nope, it's not your typical cargo-wearing, grill-loving Papa. It's a goat named Merlin, who earns his title the whole year through.

Merlin really is a devoted father and husband. Just take a look at the many clips the animal sanctuary has of the goat doing great things.

The proud goat dad is father to Lolli and is the partner to sweet Minnie Mae. These two obviously can't talk, but if they did they would brag about how great Merlin truly is.

Related: Goat Dad Is Stealing Hearts for the Tender Way He Cares for His Family

The video shows just a few moments of Merlin being the best dad. "Wholesome things our goat dad does for his family," the text overlay reads.

That includes letting Lolli win when they play games, being "madly" in love with his wife Minnie Mae, and going to Lolli's enclosure in the mornings to wake her up. Yep, he's just like a human dad — minus the love of football.

"Wishing a Happy #FathersDay to all the incredible dads and father figures out there who put their children and family first, just like Merlin with our incredible rescued goat family at The Gentle Barn Tennessee!" the rescue wrote in the caption.

Commenters were happy to see that Merlin was finally getting the praised he so sorely deserved. "Happy Father's Day Merlin!" cheered one person. "Oh Merlin you WIN Father's Day today!" another commenter added. "Merlin is a very special dad. Happy Father's Day," a third person praised. "We love an active father," someone else joked.

Merlin and Lolli

These two are special for so many reasons. First, because they're an adorable father-daughter pair, but also because they're story is just too sweet.

Lolli was born in January 2018 and sadly lost both her back legs and her ears due to frostbite. It was a blow to the baby goat, who would cry from not being able to keep up with the rest of the herd and would often end up alone. That's when a neighbor brought Lolli to The Gentle Barn's attention, who in turn took in Lolli and her mother because they typically like to keep families intact.

While at the sanctuary, Lolli was given prosthetics and a wheelchair to help her move around. Eventually, the same neighbor mentioned to the sanctuary that they knew who Lolli's father was, which prompted the sanctuary to bring the dad to their facility too.

In the end, it definitely worked out well for everyone. Lolli gets her two parents by her side and Merlin gets two female goats to dote on. Win-win.

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