Apple's iPhone 15 could come in 2 bold new colours

 iPhone 15 render
iPhone 15 render

From the 13 Pro's Sierra Blue to the 14 Pro's Deep Purple, Apple is known to release at least one exclusive colour for each generation of the iPhone. Unlike silver and grey, these hues only tend to last a year at a time – and if persistent rumours are to be believed, 2023 is going to be a particularly colourful year.

Reports suggest Apple is planning a 'Mint green' iPhone 15, and a ' Crimson' red iPhone 15 Pro. The former could prove similar to the green of the iPhone 11 – but the latter sounds particularly interesting. Leakers suggest this won't be the bright 'tomato' Product Red colour we're used to, but a deeper, darker red. (Don't fancy waiting? Check out the best iPhone 14 deals available now.)

iPhone 15 render
iPhone 15 render

As reported by 9to5Mac, previous rumours of a red iPhone Pro have been corroborated by leakers on Chinese social media site Weibo, along with the additional news of the green iPhone 15. This is an account that accurately leaked the iPhone 14 Pro's Deep Purple colour.

Earlier this year, Apple Hub mocked up an image (below) showing what a deep red iPhone might look like, and Twitter users are loving it. Comments on the images (which have been seen over 6M times) include several variations on the theme of 'shut up and take my money'. "That is one beautiful colour," one user comments, while another adds, 'I would buy this in a heartbeat".

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But while the colour certainly looks cool, there's one group that won't be satisfied – those crying out for a hot pink iPhone. Some fans have been waiting forever for a truly pink iPhone, and although they're delighted with the new iPad, the same hue is yet to come to the iPhone. We have a feeling dark red isn't going to cut it.

iPhone 13 pink concept
iPhone 13 pink concept

Still, judging by the response, Apple could be planning a hugely popular new colour for 2023. But be warned, if the many iPhone 15 rumours we've heard so far turn out to be true, then that camera cutout could be pretty unaesthetic – dark red or not.