Ariel Winter Reportedly Left Twitter

"Sad when you literally enjoy your job but hate every part of the fame aspect."

Modern Family star Ariel Winter is done — with Twitter, that is.

After years of constantly battling internet trolls and the paparazzi, Ariel has taken back some control of her narrative and, according to Yahoo, has officially left Twitter.

Yahoo reported that earlier this week Ariel announced her decision to leave Twitter in a series of now-deleted tweets. "If a paparazzi attempts to take another f***ing picture in front of my house one more time I swear to god I will find ANY SORT of legal action," she reportedly wrote on Tuesday (July 3).

While she didn't explain what specifically happened that drove her to write these tweets, Ariel did give her followers some insight into her thought process: "Sad when you literally enjoy your job but hate every part of the fame aspect. Also sad when you desperately want to move somewhere remote so you can just live a normal life in peace. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I hate being followed and I hate my s*** out in the news."

Ariel then said goodbye to her followers on Twitter, complete with a hand waving emoji. Her Instagram remains active, with her most recent post including photos with boyfriend Levi Meaden during the 4th of July.

It's totally understandable that Ariel might need to take a break from the social media platform (who amongst us couldn't use a time-out), especially because of the magnifying glass on her person life. In the past, Ariel has been judged for her clothing choices, her behavior, and even the issues she's had with her mother.

The situation is a good reminder that even though celebrities are public figures, they're still people who aren't immune to the pressures of social media and paparazzi.

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