Bernedoodle's Shock and Confusion at Hearing a Harmonica for the First Time Is the Best

There are so many wonderful reasons to adopt a dog, from the constant companionship to the rewarding feeling of saving a life. Of course, the millions of memorable moments that you'll share together are going to be the highlights of your time together on Earth. Whether you're together for a few months or nearly 20 years, it's important to help your dog experience life to the fullest.

Just ask @elliethedoo! This sweet and expressive Bernedoodle is a family gal through and through, and she's always enjoying time with her human parents and Pug sister. When they showed her a harmonica for the first time on June 3. however, not even her doting parents could expect this kind of reaction!

OMG! She launched herself from the ground after hearing that first note from the harmonica, and I can't say that I blame her. Sudden music can be startling, especially when it's a sound you haven't heard before! For all we can tell, she wasn't expecting the thing her dad was holding to make a sound at all, and it's moments like these when I wish someone had invented a canine-to-human translator.

Related: Saint Bernedoodle's Funny Reaction to His New Home Is Priceless

Reading this video's comments was nearly as entertaining as watching the video itself. A viewer called AngelCake put the chaos in her own words, explaining, "First she’s like 'ahh what is this scary device,' and then she’s like 'hmm maybe I overreacted.'" That sounds like a typical dog reaction! Some pups can be so dramatic when something catches them off guard, but five minutes later, it doesn't even phase them.

On the other side of the room, Ellie's adorable Pug sister is watching her and dad with just as much confusion! We can only see the little dog for a moment, but there's no mistaking that alert body posture and gaze of fascination.

Do Dogs Understand Music?

There's no question that dogs can have the silliest, most random responses to hearing music, but dog owners and experts alike seem divided when deciding whether or not dogs can understand music. Some dogs howl along, that's true, and many pups have positive or negative reactions to hearing certain instruments.

Unless your dog is deaf, you can be sure that they hear the same music you hear, notes, patterns, and all. But do they understand what it is they're listening to? It's not on the level that humans understand musical scales, tones, and lyrics, but some research suggests that music affects even canine moods. The best way to form your own opinion is by playing some music for your dog. How do you think they'll react? They may not be as confused and excited as Ellie the poodle mix, but you just might get a reaction after all.

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