The Best Paint Colors for Your Personality Type, According to the Experts

Pale blue wall interior living room
Pale blue wall interior living room


Your home is a direct reflection of who you are as a person, and perhaps no decorating choice is more indicative of your personality type than the paint colors on your walls. Whether you're drawn to something that brightens your space or gives it a moody aesthetic, paint color is an extremely personal choice that gives your home a lot of character.

Since it is such an important design element, you want to choose a shade that's compatible with your personality. "Color's superpower is that it has the ability to transform the mood in a space," says Erika Woelfel, vice president of color and creative services at Behr. "It's important to consider what colors will bring out the right moods in you."

Beyond basing your paint color on your home's existing furnishings, we recommend tailoring the hue to your specific personality type. Ultimately, this will be what dictates how at ease you feel in your home.

Related: The Best Hobbies for Your Personality Type, According to Mental Health Experts

The 5 Personality Types

There are five major personality types that psychologists use to help people understand their core character traits. Known as the Big Five, they include: Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

"These categories offer a reference point for the public to understand their own and other people's behaviors, attitudes, and different ways of thinking, operating, and relating to the world," says Monica Vermani, C.Psych, a clinical psychologist and author of A Deeper Wellness: Conquering Stress, Mood, Anxiety and Traumas.

  • Openness: Highly imaginative, creative, adventurous, risk takers, have a broad interest in the world, eager to experience new things.

  • Conscientiousness: Thoughtful, superior impulse control, goal oriented, pays attention to detail.

  • Extraversion: Talkative, assertive, emotionally expressive, energized by the company of others, enjoys being the center of attention, likes to meet new people.

  • Agreeableness: Trustworthy, kind, affectionate, comforting, cooperative, empathetic towards others.

  • Neuroticism: Moody, over thinkers, have a hard time relaxing.

The Best Paint Colors for Each Personality Type

Everyone interacts with color differently, and how you respond to a certain hue is largely based on your personality type, which is shaped by your unique human experiences. "These experiences include genetic foundations, physiological development, emotional experiences, and interpersonal attachments," says Daniel Marston, PsyD, psychologist at LifeStance Health.

All of those factors determine how an individual responds to what goes on in their world, including how they react to certain colors. Once you've identified your personality type, you'll gain a better understanding of which paint colors are best suited for you.

Bright yellow cabinets in bathroom
Bright yellow cabinets in bathroom



If you fall into the openness personality category, you're likely a risk-taker who is open to new adventures. "Colors that tend to be brighter, saturated, and deeper tend to be available to a risk-taker," says Sue Wadden, director of color marketing at Sherwin-Williams, "This type of personality isn't afraid to try something new." She recommends leaning into saturated hues like reds, yellows, and oranges.

However, when decorating a space that's meant to feel comforting, people who are open should consider opting for darker shades. "In restful spaces, create a dark nest-like space using rich, indulgent jewel tones, which will help you rest properly and quiet the constant churning of your mind," says Annie Sloan, paint and color expert and creator of chalk paint.

Soft green wall paint in room with wood floors and cream chair
Soft green wall paint in room with wood floors and cream chair



Organized and structured people who are conscientious often work in jobs where skill sets involve attention to detail and organization. "Individuals high in this trait regularly plan ahead and analyze their behavior to understand how it affects others," says Dr. Vermani.

Consider leaning into hues with cool, earthy undertones when choosing a paint color for this personality type. "This will enable them to feel secure and relaxed in their home environment," says Sloan. Watery blues, soft greens, and off-white are all examples of cool neutral colors that will help a thoughtful, goal-oriented person feel at ease.

Bold red wall in room with piano for entertaining
Bold red wall in room with piano for entertaining



Do you feel energized after hanging out with a crowd of people? You likely identify with the extraversion personality type. "Sometimes people who are very outgoing need a space that allows them to unwind," says Wadden. "For energetic people in need of a chill space, I'd go to whites and neutrals, which are soothing colors."

On the other hand, if you prefer a design reflective of your emotionally expressive behavior, opt for something brighter in spaces used for entertaining, like the living room. Red, chartreuse green, or a bold yellow are all suitable paint colors for extraverts. "When your eye catches these colors, it triggers a reaction in the brain that immediately floods you with adrenaline," Wadden says.

Neutral taupe and cream sitting area with table and plant
Neutral taupe and cream sitting area with table and plant



Comforting and cooperative are two key traits of someone who is considered agreeable. "Empathy towards others is commonly linked to agreeableness," says Dr. Vermani. This personality type is when classic paint colors come into play.

"Neutrals are a perfect fit for people who are agreeable and cooperative because these types of hues are very well behaved," says Wadden. "Mushroom whites, taupes, soft browns, grays, and any range of neutral with cool or warm undertones would make someone with this personality type feel at home."

If you fall into this category but prefer a pop of color, opt for something that's still traditional but a little more daring than a neutral hue. "Choose strong, classic colors dense with pigment," says Sloan, who recommends rich greens, blues, and oxford navy.

Soft blue wall in bedroom with luxury interior
Soft blue wall in bedroom with luxury interior



If you experience neuroticism, which can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, opt for a paint color that soothes. "For this personality type, color should be focused on evoking calm and should have cooler undertones," Wadden says. "These hues recede into the background of a space." Natural blues and greens evoke a sense of calmness and don't tend to be something people fixate on, which is important for the neuroticism personality type.