The Brand Behind the Seasonings Our Groceries Editor Loves Created a Gift Box That’s Perfect for Every Home Cook

<span>Credit: Joe Lingeman</span> <span class="copyright">Credit: Joe Lingeman</span>
Credit: Joe Lingeman Credit: Joe Lingeman

In case you haven’t noticed the holiday decorations in the grocery store, at the mall, or pretty much anywhere else you look, let us be the first to tell you that gift-giving season is right around the corner! And, while you’re probably still wondering what big-ticket gifting items are going to be on sale for Black Friday and Cyber Monday (Spoiler Alert: Many brands have already launched their sales!), it’s also a good time to start thinking about what smaller, stocking-stuffer presents you’re going to be getting for the home chefs in your life. If you’ve already snagged all of the “Kiss the Cook” aprons off the virtual shelves of Amazon, and you’re not sure what to get, don’t panic — we’ve got you covered. This year, give your cooking-obsessed loved one the gift of flavor with the delicious Portland Salt Co. Signature Collection, which our groceries editor can’t stop raving about!

Portland Salt Co. 5-Pack Gift Box
Portland Salt Co. 5-Pack Gift Box

What Is the Portland Salt Co. Signature Collection?

This limited-edition gift box from Portland Salt Co. comes with five signature savory and sweet blends: Greek Blend, Pork Rub, Steak Salt, Toast Sugar, and Za’atar. Of course, you’re not limited to just putting the Steak Salt on steak, the Pork Rub on pork, and so on — these seasonings are super versatile and can go on pretty much everything. Portland Salt Co. also throws in some easy-to-follow recipes for creating all sorts of delicious meals. And, because the seasonings vary so much, your giftee will be squared away for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.

<span> Credit: Portland Salt Co.</span> <span class="copyright">Credit: Portland Salt Co.</span>
Credit: Portland Salt Co. Credit: Portland Salt Co.

Why You’ll Love the Portland Salt Co. Signature Collection 

Don’t just take my word for it — The Kitchn’s senior groceries editor Mara Weinraub loves this collection, too. “After years of gifting their salts to friends, family, and colleagues (you know, just for fun), founders Becca and Justin went ahead and made it official — it being Portland Salt Co. and this wonderfully flavorful mix of seasoning salts,” she explains. “Earlier this year, I got my hands on a few jars and, since then, all five have become necessary staples in my cooking and dessert-ing. Don’t tell my mom, this year she’s getting one for the holidays.”

So, stop stressing about what you will put in your giftee’s stocking this year, and snag the Portland Salt Co. Signature Collection. It has our full-throated endorsement, and with five different selections and included recipes, the home chef in your life will be over the moon.

Buy: Portland Salt Co. Signature Collection, $50