Bride Says Future Mother-in-Law Will Be ‘Escorted Out’ if She Does Choreographed Mother-Son Dance

Father-daughter or mother-son dances are timeless wedding traditions that many couples choose to include in their special day. However, one bride-to-be, in particular, would rather not take part, especially after her future mother-in-law insisted that she would be having a choreographed dance with her son during the event (even after the bride requested to keep family dances out). Ultimately, the future bride took to Reddit to seek advice and share her concerns regarding the mother of the groom. Keep reading to learn what was said in the Reddit post and whose side the internet is taking.

Bride-to-be took to Reddit over the mother-son dance

In a Reddit post from June 11, one future bride — whose nuptials will occur in 2026 — sought validation from folks on the internet after the mother of the groom demanded that she and her son have a choreographed dance moment at the wedding.

“His mum is a self-proclaimed ‘main character’ and has even ‘joked’ that she should be allowed to wear white as she is mother of the groom,” she wrote in the post.

While the mother of the groom has helped pay for the weddings of her other children, the bride is adamant that she and her fiancé will be funding a big chunk of the wedding themselves because they’ve saved for it. She also doesn’t want their wedding to be “significantly planned” around her future mother-in-law’s ideas.

There will be no family dances at this wedding

The bride explained that her father died when she was a little girl and her granddad who raised her also passed away a few years ago. She and her mother discussed possibly doing a dance with each other in lieu of the father-daughter dance, but ultimately, decided it would be awkward and unenjoyable.

Due to the deaths of the patriarchs in her life, the bride expressed her feelings about including a mother-son dance and wrote in the post,  “It would highlight more the fact that there is no traditional father/daughter dance and that I just don't feel comfortable with it.”

Needless to say, the mother of the groom did not take that well. The bride shared that his mother thinks she’ll be ruining the day for everyone and has also said that she will be pulling everyone off the dancefloor for the mother-son dance regardless. But the bride didn’t budge and said her future mother-in-law will be “escorted from the venue before the dance begins,” if that’s the case.

Redditors side with the bride

Wedding ring
Kenji Lau

Further down in the post, the bride added in some context about her fiancé, stating: “He doesn't want a first dance never mind a choreographed dance.” She continued to note that he doesn’t really like dancing and the two of them agreed early on that big, center-of-attention dances aren’t what they desire on their wedding day. Luckily, for the bride, the internet was also on her side.

One person wrote, “You should have the wedding you want. If you want a destination wedding, have one.”

Another commenter agreed and said that the idea of a mother-son dance feels “insensitive,” and to “keep the day focused on you as a couple.”

Many people throughout the thread encouraged the bride to stand her ground and set clear limits with the mother of the groom. They also thought it’s important for the groom to stand up to his mom as well and make it known that there will be no mother-son dance.

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