Has Cameron Diaz Really Retired from Acting?

We won’t be getting any more There’s Something About Mary moments from Cameron Diaz. Or Charlie’s Angels moments. Or Bad Teacher moments. (Remember Bad Teacher?) According to her close friend Selma Blair, the actress has reportedly retired from acting. Those Shrek residuals aren’t gonna spend themselves, you know?

In a recent interview, Blair said her friend was “done” with the whole acting thing. Diaz apparently relayed the news to her when they were grabbing lunch and reminiscing over their raunchy 2002 comedy, The Sweetest Thing.

“I would have liked to do a sequel, but Cameron’s retired from acting,” Blair said. “She’s like, ‘I’m done.’”

Blair then pointed out that Diaz, who made her debut in the 1994 film The Mask, has had a pretty lengthy career. “I mean, she doesn’t need to make any more films,” Blair noted. “She has a pretty great life; I don’t know what it would take to bring her back.”

Apparently, The Sweetest Thing 2 is not a strong enough lure for Diaz. It would appear that Blair is right about her pal’s quiet retirement: Diaz hasn’t starred in anything since the 2014 Annie remake, in which she played a grouchy modern version of orphan wrangler Miss Hannigan.

Perhaps she’s taking a cue from Renée Zellweger, who took a six-year break from movies because she needed time off from the rat race, or Michelle Pfeiffer, who told Interview in 2017 that she dropped off the Hollywood radar because she got so picky she became essentially “unhireable.”

It may be more likely, though, that Diaz is following the example of another friend, Gwyneth Paltrow, and focusing more on her career in wellness. In 2013, Diaz released the bestseller The Body Book (with the heady subtitle The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body), which shared personal and scientific recipes for health and happiness. The book also has an accompanying Web site that ticks off all the boxes on your Goopy bingo card. Organic vegetarian recipes? Check. Yoga advice? Double check. Tips for coordinating crystals to your love life? Triple check! All we’re missing are yurt recommendations and a suspicious jade yoni egg or two.

Thankfully, Diaz’s press tours for The Body Book and her 2016 follow-up, The Longevity Book: The Science of Aging, the Biology of Strength, and the Privilege of Time, also gave us other quirky wellness moments, like that time she pounded back a liter of water on Dr. Oz, or when she told Ellen DeGeneres that her nickname for husband Benji Madden is “Buh.” Just Buh!

Representatives for Diaz have not confirmed reports of the actress’s retirement to Vanity Fair.

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