CAREFUL CANNING: Hulbert library hosts OSU Extension food preservation workshop

Jun. 21—Safety precautions are critical when it comes to food canning and preservation, an Oklahoma State University Extension county director told attendees at a workshop in Hulbert.

The Hulbert Community Library recently hosted the event, led by Jan Dawson, with Tulsa County OSU Extension. Dawson was on hand June 20, to share information about the proper way to disinfect jars, how to make sure equipment is working, various safety precautions, and methods of preservation.

The workshop offered information both for beginners and those who have canned for years. Sharon Gifford, an attendee and Oklahoma Home and Community Education Woodall Club member, said she thought Dawson gave beginning canners a lot of important information.

"There's more to it then this. This is just a basic rundown on your basic things," Gifford said.

Gifford has been canning for years, but she did learn some new things at the workshop.

"The new thing [I learned] was not having to boil your lids, because as a youngster with my mother, we always had to boil our lids, and that's why they had the stick with a magnet on it to poke them, because that water is hot," Gifford said.

Dawson said the group seemed to be very receptive, and she found they were mainly concerned with food safety.

Dawson taught some basic information, including processing times for various methods, types of gauges, and the need to follow a recipe. The latter is the key aspect Dawson hopes the group took away from the event. Straying away from USDA-approved recipes is one of the most common mistakes in canning, and can lead to major health issues.

"[I hope] they will use USDA-approved recipes for their canning other than listening to Pinterest or their friends," Dawson said.

Other than learning that people have tried to can items using a dishwasher — a method that runs counter to OSU Extension and USDA guidelines — Hulbert Community Library Manager Ashley Rouse said she found it interesting that people should not can with jars that have colored glass or have different designs other than the classic jar.

Rouse said library employees decided to host the workshop, as they are trying to offer classes the community will enjoy. Rouse said this was not the last OSU Extension workshop for the summer; another will be held in July.

"People can still live in Hulbert, but live way out and live on their own, so we've had people come by and express interest in homestead-[related] things, so these are kind of homestead-themed," Rouse said.

Dawson said those who have additional questions about canning can reach out to their local OSU Extension office or go to

What's next

The Hulbert Community Library will be hosting OSU Extension again July 18 at 4:30 p.m. for an emergency water supply workshop.