Cats Hear Recording of Baby Crying and Are Instantly Not Here For It

When a family is preparing to welcome a new baby, it can be difficult sometimes for the pets to become accustomed to the new addition. When a cat mom decided to play a recording of a baby crying for her three cats, they had a reaction that no one could have expected.

When each of the cats heard the noise, they looked extremely stressed. The last cat even got up and hid! They are going to have to use some of these recordings more often to get the cats acclimated to the noise of a baby crying.

The funniest reaction was when the cat just booked it out of there. She was not having it!

Related: Baby Sees a Cat for the First Time and Her Funny Noises Are Pure Gold

While the cats seemed miffed at the recording of the baby crying, we’re sure that they will open up to their new sibling in no time once he or she is actually born.

Until then, these cat parents are going to have to ramp up the amount of crying their cats hear. Then maybe they will start to get curious instead of just annoyed.

Kids and Cats

Kids and cats can make the best pair, so long as the child respects the cat’s space. Many times, cats will really warm up to children and even snuggle with them during naps. A good way to encourage this is through food, of course!

The child can feed the cat some treats daily in order to get a relationship with the cat going. Your child will love taking part in the cat’s routine, and the cat will definitely appreciate the extra food!

As a child gets older, they may become more and more interested in the cat. Never leave the two unaccompanied, and always encourage the child to be very gentle with the cat, petting their head or back.

If your child is still an infant, be sure to encourage the cats to sit on the couch next to you when you’re holding the baby and give them some treats. The way to a cat’s heart is right from their stomach, so in time, they’ll grow to like sitting with you and the baby on the couch.

Taking a blanket that smells like the baby and putting it in the cat’s bed might also be a good idea to get the cat acclimated to the baby. They may even love the blanket and curl up for a nap with it!

In all, introducing cats and kids must be done slowly but surely. With time, they will become the best of friends!

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