How to choose an air fryer during Amazon Prime Day 2023

 Amazon Prime Day air fryer deals.
Amazon Prime Day air fryer deals.

Amazon's massive sale is quickly approaching on October 10 - 11, and if you're wondering how to choose an air fryer during Prime Day then we're here to help with 10 key points to look out for.

Amazon Prime Day is now a matter of days away and if you've had your eye on buying one of the best air fryers for a while – or even if you just love a bargain – now's the time to think about bagging some Amazon Prime Day deals.

The air fryer trend has taken off in recent years and is showing no signs of slowing, and this means there is an almost overwhelming range of options to choose from; from dual-basket designs, to air fryer ovens, multi-function machines, combo-cookers and even air fryers you control from your phone. That’s before you even factor in your budget.

To help guide you through not only how to choose an air fryer, but to make sure you’re getting one at the best possible Amazon Prime Day air fryer deals, we’ve listed the key points to look out for below.

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How to choose an air fryer during Prime Day

1. Capacity

Before you even consider which brand of air fryer is best, or how much you’re willing to spend, you need to establish what capacity you need and this will depend on how many people you’re regularly cooking for.

The most common air fryers typically range in capacity from 3.7 quarts / 3.5 liters to 5.8 quarts/5.5 liters and this should be more than enough capacity for a family of four.

You can then buy air fryers with as little as 2-quart / 1.9-liter capacity, or as much as 12 quarts / 11.3 liters. A mini air fryer is best for single people or couples, while large and extra large air fryers are best suited to larger families of 5 and more. Or if you like to batch cook large amounts of food at one time.

As a guide:

  • 1-2 people: 1-2 quarts / 0.95-1.9 liters

  • 2-3 people: 2-3 quarts / 1.9-2.8 liters

  • 3-4 people: 4-6 quarts / 3.8-5.7 liters

  • 5-6 people+: 7-8 quarts+ / 6.6-7.6 liters+

2. Size

Going almost hand-in-hand with capacity when choosing an air fryer is how much space you’ll need. Either on your countertop, or for storage when it’s not in use.

Generally speaking, the larger the capacity the larger the air fryer but there are models that manage to combine high capacity in a streamlined frame.

If space is of a premium, opt for an air fryer at the lower-end of the capacity and size needed for your family. If this is less of an issue, you have more freedom of which size you choose.

COSORI Air Fryer
COSORI Air Fryer

3. Design

In terms of design, the majority of fryers are black, gray or white so they should fit in with most kitchen aesthetics. A few brands sell all-metal versions, while others offer colorful options but these are few and far between.

The choice then sits between whether you want a matte, or glossy finish. Shiny air fryers often look better but they can show fingerprints, as well as water marks from washing them, more easily.

4. Baskets

Next up, you’ll need to decide if you want a single-basket air fryer, or a dual-basket model. Having multiple baskets isn’t just about increasing the air fryer’s total capacity. They can be used to cook different elements of a dish in your air fryer at different temperatures, for different times, simultaneously.

We have a dual-basket air fryer but in reality very rarely cook more than two things at a time. If we were buying an air fryer again, we’d likely opt for one larger basket instead but this will come down to personal preference.

Proscenic T22
Proscenic T22

5. Cooking functions and pre-sets

The majority of air fryers allow you to set the time and temperature settings for each dish manually, but some additionally offer presets. These presets automatically select the best temperature and cooking time based on what you’re air frying. For instance, if you’re cooking air fryer chips, you can just select the “chip” setting and the heat and time will be set accordingly.

This only really works for common air fryer dishes; more elaborate recipes will have their own time and temperature requirements. Also, the time saving is minimal. However, if you’re cooking a lot of the same things then having presets will be beneficial.

Then there are some air fryers that offer a wider range of functions beyond just air frying. Some come with roasting, and baking modes. Others offer frying, and dehydrating options. In our experience, you can easily roast a chicken, or bake muffins using just a standard air fryer but if you want more versatility, a multi-function air fryer may be the way to go.

Ultimately, choose an air fryer that suits your cooking habits and style.

6. Ease-of-use

Air fryer controls typically fall into three categories.

There are those with physical temperature and time dials. With these, you just turn the dial to the required settings and the cooking will start. Other air fryers pair a digital display with physical buttons, while some use touchscreen displays.

We’re yet to use an air fryer that is difficult to use, but some can be more fiddly than others. If you don’t consider yourself to be very tech savvy, or just want an easy lift, then either of the physical options will suit you best.

Touchscreen displays have a tendency to be more complicated. Again, they’re not so complicated that they’re impossible to use; they just take a bit more getting used to.

There is also a fourth control type, but it’s rarer than the other three, and that’s remote control. There is a small but growing number of smart air fryers that connect to your phone, or a smart speaker via Wi-Fi and allow you to change the time and temperature settings remotely.

7. Cleaning

In addition to how easy an air fryer is to use, you should also choose an air fryer that’s easy to clean. If you’re regularly cooking meat, or meals that contain melted cheese, as just two examples, scrubbing the crusted-on remnants from the bottom of your basket will soon become tedious.

If you have a dishwasher, make sure that the air fryer you choose is “dishwasher safe”. This means all of its components are able to withstand the high heats and use of strong detergents common in dishwashers. If they’re not, the dishwasher could end up damaging the design of these components, or remove the non-stick coating that is common on most air fryer baskets.

Air fryers with detachable baskets are then easier to keep clean than fixed baskets.

8. Safety features

Make sure that the air fryer you choose has key safety features such as automatic shut-off, cool-touch handles, and overheat protection. We haven’t yet used an air fryer that didn’t have these features as standard, but it’s worth bearing in mind.

Most air fryers get warm to the touch while cooking but none of them should get so hot that they could easily burn your skin, or the skin of your children or family members.

9. Customer reviews and ratings

Once you think you’ve chosen an air fryer, it’s worth checking out recent customer ratings and reviews for that fryer. Not only because the manufacturer’s site will be written deliberately to encourage you to buy, but there may be flaws that could sway your decision. Some negative points may be small and not matter to you, others may be specific to the particular reviewer, although some may highlight fundamental problems that are worth avoiding.

What’s more, real-world reviews are the most effective way to discover how an air fryer performs. Rather than simply how it works. And make sure you remind yourself of how to spot fake Amazon reviews this Prime Day - you'll be surprised how many there are.

10. Quality of deals

This point specifically refers to shopping for Amazon Prime Day air fryer deals, but make sure the deal you find isn’t too good to be true. Some retailers may increase the price of products ahead of Prime Day in order for the discounts on the day(s) to look better than they are.

It’s worth searching for the make and model of air fryer you’re interested in to see what it’s being sold for outside of Amazon. This will give you an idea of whether it’s a good deal or not.

It’s also worth checking Amazon’s Lightning Deals each day. These appear every few minutes, and run until all the stock of a particular item has been sold. Due to the limited nature of these deals, the discounts tend to be higher. You just need to be quick.

cooking in an air fryer
cooking in an air fryer

Choosing an air fryer during Prime Day ultimately comes down to what you need the air fryer to do. This will determine everything from the capacity, to size, cooking functions and ease of use.

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To benefit from Amazon Prime Day you'll need to be a Prime member. If you're a new customer you can get 30-days of Amazon Prime for free which will cover you for the entire event. If you're not particularly keen on signing up long-term; don't forget to cancel before the free trial is up so you don't get charged.View Deal