Chrissy Teigen Defends Horseback Riding Hobby Amid Criticism From Followers

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From Cosmopolitan

  • Chrissy Teigen hopped on Twitter to defend herself against criticism over her new horseback riding hobby.

  • Chrissy said people misinterpreted her recent tweets about it, explaining "I’m figuring myself out."

Chrissy Teigen is defending herself amid criticism that a tweet she posted about taking up horseback riding as a new hobby was inconsiderate.

Just to get everyone on the same somewhat exhausting page, Chrissy posted the below photo of a horse on January 16, along with the caption: "My therapist says I need something that I do for just me, as I have absolutely nothing currently lol. Today begins my journey into the horse world. I hope this dude likes me he’s so handsome and appears lazy, I love."

While plenty of fans were supportive of Chrissy doing something just for herself as she grieves the loss of her third child, some people felt the post was inconsiderate amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chrissy responded in a series of tweets, saying, "A lot of u really misinterpreted this tweet and I guess that’s on me. I didn’t say I have nothing, I said I have nothing I do for just me. A convo with a therapist. A hobby. Cause I lost a baby. And I’m figuring myself out. And i didn’t buy a horse. But oh my god, what if I did?"

She added, "Why are you guys reading into this so much? the boredom," when a fan accused her of being "poisoned by wealth and privilege."

And when a follower suggested that Chrissy didn't understand why people may have reacted poorly to her original tweet, she responded, "I do understand. What do you want from me, an essay about me, thinking about you? It’s my Twitter. I’m talking about me?"

Chrissy hasn't responded further, but hopefully this misunderstanding can just be shelved.

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