Chrissy Teigen on Feeding Kids: Picky Eaters, Cooking as Connection, and No Sneaky Veggies

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Chrissy Teigen has many gifts: she’s funny, a great cook, and her kids enjoy pizza and spaghetti just like ours. She’s also refreshingly (and unsurprisingly) honest about the challenges of feeding kids.

In an interview with theSkimm, Chrissy, a mom of four who just launched two new baking mixes — John’s Glorious Golden Cookie Mix (named after her husband, John Legend, who presumably likes this cookie) and Heavenly Coconut Key Lime Cake Mix — in her Cravings line, shares her thoughts on picky eating, why she doesn't hide veggies in meals, and the surprises of motherhood.

Feeding kids — not the easiest thing in the world.

Do you have any picky eaters? What tips or advice would you give to other parents in the same boat?

“Yes, I have a picky eater. His name is Miles. His school did a Zoom about picky eaters. I joined in, and one thing that stuck with me is that with kids his age [6], food is the only thing they have control over. We run so much of their lives and make so many of their decisions, so kids always feel like this is the only thing they can stand hard and fast on.

“[As for advice,] I’m not a fan of sneaking in vegetables, I want them to know that this is a vegetable and it can be delicious. And when they become open to trying it, it’s great, but that stuff takes time, and it’s OK. We take baby steps and work on this every day. I try not to make it a huge burden at dinner time.

What do you wish you knew about feeding kids when you had your first baby?

“When I had my first baby, I was insecure. I was breastfeeding. I remember being worried that the things I ate would affect her — and I wasn’t strong enough to vocalize things that were hurting or frustrating me with the people we were working with.

“So, I think I would not be so hard on myself…but the more you go on, the more you realize that a happy mama is just as important as a happy baby…It’s really important to find the balance between caring for yourself as much as caring for the babies.”

How do cooking and food help you connect to your kids?

“I love cooking around them. I love having them in the kitchen. Our kitchen is right next to our family room, so everyone’s always together. Somebody’s always eating right in front of me or playing with something next to me or watching TV next to me. [If] I cook something and have them be a part of it, they become more connected to the food, and they are more willing to try something when Mommy is working on it.”

Legends Around the Dinner Table: Favorite Foods and Eating In or Out

What are your kids’ favorites right now?

“For Luna and Miles, it’s pizza and spaghetti. Luna loves the Little Gem salad from Jon & Vinny’s. Miles loves the pizza there, the chicken cutlet. Right now they’re pretty basic when it comes to food. Luna is kind of a little bit more adventurous. At school she will eat California rolls, sushi, and edamame. Miles is not quite the same.

“The babies are really into anything. Wren eats so much. His whole day revolves around food. There’s rarely a moment he’s not in his high chair eating a snack or meal. He loves pho. If we cut up pho noodles and beef meatballs and steak or something, his hands will be filled with it. They love meat, turkey, and cheese for lunch.”

What does your house look like at dinner time?

“It’s a little bit noisy. It’s very fun. I cook, we order in a ton, and of course, we have wonderful nannies that prepare food too. Oh, and the dogs are around doing all the cleanup around the baby area of all the food they throw and spill. This is honestly my fault because I taught Esti how to throw her food and bottle down ‘cause I thought it was funny in the moment, and I would laugh every time — but now she does it all the time.”

Best advice for going out to eat with kids?

“Start them very young. Be prepared. [And] bring play mats. You want to keep their hands busy, or they’re going to [reach for the] knives and glasses and stuff.”

Now, rapid-fire:

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

“No, it is a hot dog."

Cooking or baking?

“Honestly, I love both. Cooking, I can take hours with and take my time, and when it comes to baking, we’ve been able to offer something that you can do quickly that’s gonna end in a delicious amazing result.”

Favorite thing to eat?

“It’s a whole branzino stuffed with rosemary, lemon wedges, some thyme, and covered in a paste [made] of like 60 cloves of garlic, chili flakes, olive oil, salt, and pepper. It’s almost an entire crust around the branzino.”

Favorite baked snack?

“I love a pizza bagel or pizza rolls. I love fish sticks. I love making my dad’s tartar sauce and throwing in some fish sticks because I feel like it’s half homemade and delicious.”

One thing that surprised you about motherhood?

“Maybe how much I feel like a kid myself. I love being with them. I love getting to see them happy. I love being a part of their routines every day. I love being a Girl Scout troop leader. I love being a baseball mom. It fills my cup up so much more than anything else I have to do on a daily basis.”

Motherhood in one sentence?

“You learn so much about children and motherhood, but you learn even more about yourself.”