Cincinnati Zoo's Baby Porcupine Is Enchanting Everyone with Her Zoomies

When you think about an animal getting a raging case of the zoomies, usually it's a dog or cat that comes to mind. Well, Violet, a baby porcupine at the Cincinnati Zoo, is here to show all of us that she can zoom along with the best of them.

Just check her out!

The darling video, shared by the TikTok account for @Cincinnatizoo , shows little Violet chasing her handler around in her own little zoomy fashion and oh my goodness, she's just adorable. We never knew how badly we wanted to be chased by a baby porcupine, yet here we are.

Related: Porcupine’s Sounds When Begging Will Make Anyone Want To Give Him All the Snacks

Tiktok users can't get enough of this precious porcupette, and @Laura comments, "Oh my God she’s the cutest thing ever. So tiny." Another person adds, "When she’s running around she looks like a little Pokémon lol." She really does! Someone else asks, "Gah! Why are they so cute if not for snuggles?"

A porcupette is born with their quills intact but it takes a few days for these quills to harden. These quills aren't as dangerous as an adult porcupine, but they still aren't the comfiest to touch. Sadly, this friend shape is not meant for cuddles.

Baby porcupines can usually climb a tree at about three weeks, and these little guys usually stick close to their mamas. Mother porcupines are very protective and nurturing. They will often stay close to their porcupettes, and if threatened, a mother porcupine may use her body to shield her young. Which means those quills again!

Even though we can only enjoy her from a distance, we will take videos of Violet zoomies any day! She is just too cute for words!

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