How to Clean Apple AirPods

Keeping your AirPods clean is important both for their function and longevity. Plus,  Since they can get filled with lint, wax and other debris, or get exposed to excessive moisture, make sure to follow this simple routine to keep them working their best.

How do earbuds get so dirty?

From pocket lint to earwax, these little particles find their way into the crevices, making your AirPods dirty. Toss in dirt, dust, or sweat and the occasional accidental drop, and you've got a perfect storm of grime to settle in.

There are a few simple things you can do to care for them.

Cleaning Your Apple Airpods in Four Steps

First, gather these basic items and tools.

  • Basic Microfiber Cloth: Soft and gentle on your AirPods' delicate surface, a clean, lint-free cloth is the best tool to use.

  • Cotton Swabs: Perfect for reaching those nooks and crannies.

  • Isopropyl Alcohol (70% or less): A mild disinfectant to tackle stubborn grime.

  • Dry Brush: An old, soft-bristled toothbrush works wonders for deep cleaning.

1. Clean the Speakers

Apple AirPods come with those tiny speaker grilles that love to hoard dirt. Take your clean toothbrush and gently brush away any debris. If the mesh on the ear tips is clogged, use a cotton swab or toothpick to clear out any debris.

2. Focus on Details

Grab a dry cotton swab, moisten it with a bit of isopropyl alcohol, and carefully clean around the edges of the speaker grilles. You don't want to saturate the speaker mesh, but it can help loosen buildup. This will help get rid of any residue that the toothbrush might have missed. Remember, gentle is the name of the game.

Clean the plastic surround, mesh screen, and (if applicable) the silicone tip of your AirPods.<p>Emily Fazio</p>
Clean the plastic surround, mesh screen, and (if applicable) the silicone tip of your AirPods.

Emily Fazio

3. Wipe Plastic Surfaces

Take your microfiber cloth and give your AirPods a good wipe-down. Using a dry cloth will remove leftover dirt or earwax. You also want to keep the charging case clean, so wipe down the outer surface. If there are stubborn spots or scuffs, dampen the cloth slightly with isopropyl alcohol.

4. Clean Silicone Ear Tips (Optional)

If your AirPods or AirPods Pro come equipped with removable silicone ear tips, here are additional steps to keep them clean. Regular cleaning ensures that the parts that come in direct contact with your ears remain clean and comfortable.

  • Remove the Tips: Gently detach the silicone tips from your AirPods. They usually slide off easily.

  • Wash with Mild Soap: Give the silicone tips a quick wash using mild soap and warm water. Avoid using hot water or any abrasive materials and dry them with a clean cloth.

  • Air Dry Completely: After washing, let the silicone tips air dry completely before reattaching them to your AirPods.

Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Apple AirPods:

  • Avoid Harsh Cleaners or Chemicals: Skip the heavy-duty cleaning agents; they can damage the delicate surfaces of your AirPods and compromise their functionality.

  • Avoid Water Submersion: While a damp cloth is your ally, never submerge your AirPods in water. We want them clean, not swimming, so moisture is a no-go.

  • Easy on the Pressure: Gentle is the key. Whether it's the toothbrush or the cotton swab, a light touch is all you need. Pressing too hard can lead to damage.

  • Patience is a Virtue: Rushing through the cleaning process may leave behind residue. Take your time to ensure a thorough job.

  • Mind the Charging Port: When wiping down your AirPods case with a clean cloth, be cautious around the charging port. We want to clean, not disrupt the charging capabilities.

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How often should you clean your Apple AirPods?

Now that you know the ropes of keeping your AirPods in tip-top shape, the next question is: how often should you clean them? It depends on your usage and environment, but a good rule of thumb is to make cleaning a monthly habit. However, if you're a frequent flyer or find yourself in dusty or sweaty situations more often, consider doing a quick cleaning every couple of weeks.

Signs It's Cleaning Time:

  • Muffled Sound: If your favorite tunes sound a bit off, it might be due to accumulated grime in the speaker grilles.

  • Visible Dirt: If you can see dirt or gunk on your AirPods, it's definitely time for a clean-up.

  • Ear Tip Discomfort: If your ear tips feel less comfy than usual, it's a sign they need a wash or wipe down.