Cleaning Company Shares the One Spot In the Shower That Way Too Many People Miss

Get in here, neat freaks! A cleaning company on TikTok just shared the one spot in the shower that far too many people overlook. Let's have a camp meeting about this, shall we? An admitted neat freak (on most days), I actually DO clean this part of my shower. I'm as happy as a dog showing off a new toy to report this because lately, there have been a few revelatory hacks on CleanTok that have sent me running through my house to ensure I'm not left behind.

But CleanTok didn't catch me slipping this time! So, Clean Enthusiast Club, in case you're one of our dues-paying members who hasn't thought of this shower-cleaning detail, we'll get into it.

Related: TikToker Reminds Everyone To Clean The Most Forgotten Washing Machine Part

Cleaning brand, Shell and Shore Cleaning Co., just reminded TikTok that the plastic shower door strip gets dirty like everything else in the bathroom.

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Yes, the plastic strip on the bottom of your shower door is removable! "Just pop it off, give it a scrub, and pop it right back on," the cleaning company shared.

If you have a glass shower door, I'm sure you sighed with relief when you moved in, especially if you're like me and believe they're far easier to clean than a removable shower curtain. Give me the glass door any day, please.

That said, you've got to do just a smidge more than take Windex cleaner to the glass. Don't forget that strip! It collects nasty gunk just like every other part of the shower but if you never remove it and clean it, it just keeps getting nastier and nastier.

The strip is removable so you're not damaging anything by pulling it off the shower door. I usually spray disinfectant in there and use a Qtip cotton swab to remove the gunk. Then, I go over it with a disinfectant wipe and Windex. (Yes, I overdo it. You're part of the Cleaning Enthusiasts Club though, where judgment goes against the by-laws.)

The last time I cleaned my shower strip, I was out of the cotton swabs and used one of my reusable straw cleaners to dig in there. Of course, that straw cleaner will never grace my kitchen drawer again or any straw I'll ever drink out of. It still worked much better than the cotton swab though, so now it's my regular shower strip cleaner.


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