Clever Dog Figures Out How to Open the Door Just Like a Human

What a smart cookie!

It's no secret that German Shepherds are not only gorgeous dogs, but they're brave, loyal, and strong. This is why they're the first choice for police, rescue, and military patrols - because they can just as easily take down an attacker as well as bring a person to safety.

They are also incredibly smart, which is clearly illustrated by the German Shepherd that belongs to Laurel Callegari, who submitted the following video to PetHelpful. This clever pup figured out how to open the door just like a human being!

That is just too impressive, and so handy when your dog wants to go outside to play or to relieve themselves. The only aspect of this that concerns us is what happens when the Amazon delivery guy shows up or even worse, the pizza delivery guy? As smart as this Shepherd is, we aren't sure we'd totally trust him around a deep-dish pepperoni! Plus, we also aren't sure his mom has taught him to correctly calculate a tip yet!

If you are interested in teaching your own dog this trick, there are plenty of tutorials online that can help your dog be on his way to opening the door for you when you're lugging groceries in. We have yet to see tips for getting the dog to help put away the groceries. But we think that the Shepherd above is smart enough to learn how to do that next!

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