Colorado Elk Caught Tossing a Ball With Kids Looks Like They Just Want to Play

As someone who's gravitated toward animals since childhood, I know I'm not the only one who's dreamt of meeting all kinds of animals up close (but also safely). Even if I'm not a world traveler or avid adventurer, there are plenty of beautiful creatures I can meet not too far from home.

One beautiful thing about the Internet is that you no longer need to travel to see and learn about new animals. Within seconds, you can watch videos about any species on Earth, but my favorite animal videos are those when people and animals safely interact--just like this one!

In mid-May, a couple of Colorado kids had the moment of a lifetime when a herd of elk wandered next to their soccer game. One of the elk--a young male-- even stopped to observe, so the kids took a chance and tossed the ball near the animal.

OMG! I was genuinely unsure of what I'd see when I watched this video for the first time, but I was relieved, surprised, and overjoyed to see that the male elk was just as curious and friendly as the boys. I can only imagine what the kids themselves were thinking!

Related: Elk Take Over Neighborhood Lawns in Colorado and It’s a Sight To Behold

As some commenters pointed out, interacting with a wild animal like this is technically a risk. That's true! The elk could have charged if he got startled by the ball, but the boys were mindful not to throw the ball right at the wild animal. That would definitely spook him!

Wild animals in Colorado are by no means unusual, but it's interesting that multiple people are reporting playful Colorado elk in the Evergreen area.

"The evergreen elk babies have been super playful this year!" explained a viewer named Trisha. "We saw some at the lake a couple of weeks ago, and they were neck-deep swimming and splashing around!" How sweet! Another person recalled elk playing with their Golden Retrievers by running with them up and down the property line. While these animals are still wild, it certainly sounds like they're used to living near humans!

Is It Dangerous to Interact with Elk?

Although many people think of elk as simply large deer, they are entirely different species. Elk are much larger than their deer cousins, that's true, but they also travel in herds and are incredibly vocal. While both of these animals look intimidating at worst, they could do serious damage if you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The children in this video could stand to be further away from the young elk, but these Colorado natives can likely recognize the animal's relaxed body language, too. Every wildlife interaction is a risk, but if you tread lightly, you just may be a part of a special moment like this!

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