Cute: Kai Lenny Shapes Custom Surfboard for Twin Daughters (Video)

Parents who surf, either secretly or blatantly, pray their kids will surf, too. Whether it’s in a competitive sense, and the parents live vicariously through their offspring, screaming at NSSA judges; or it’s more wholesome, with the parents purely wanting a buddy to wake up early with, drive up the coast, and share the joy of riding waves.

Either way, most surfing parents will agree – they like to surf, so they hope to pass that on to the little ones. And Maui waterman Kai Lenny is no different.

Recently, Kai initiated that push for his twin daughters, Willa and Senna, to follow in his footsteps by taking a broken longboard, and reshaping it into a custom, repurposed craft for the girls. For Kai, it was only the second board he’s ever shaped; nonetheless, it turned out surprisingly well, even passing the obligatory dad test.

The dims? 5’ 6” x 20” x 2”.

“This project all started when my friend Aiden broke my longboard,” Kai narrates in the video above. “Instead of throwing it away, I decided to make my girls a board out of it. This is the second board I ever shaped. I wasn’t sure how it was going to come out, but I was going to give it my best shot.”

The girls, still too young to fully appreciate the board just yet, appear to approve by rolling around on it in the tidepools. Then, Kai takes it for a spin. And yep, he rips on it.

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“To be honest,” Kai says, “I wasn’t sure how well I’d be able to surf that. But I was blown away by how well this board surfed. There might be something to these unconventional dimensions. For now, it’s back to the girls’ room until they want to play with it again.”

Very cute.


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