Daddy Days: The best Beatles song titles for ...

In what situations do Beatles song titles perfectly sum up the parenting experience? Here, There and Everywhere.
In what situations do Beatles song titles perfectly sum up the parenting experience? Here, There and Everywhere.

The Beatles were a big deal in the 1960s and have been a lot of things to a lot of different people since. Their songs and music still have a wide appeal and it turns out their song titles have a less well-known use: they’re perfect for describing different fatherhood milestones and scenarios.

It’s not exactly a Magical Mystery Tour, but join me on this little experiment and let’s see if you see Something New from these Beatles song titles.

Yesterday — A melancholy ballad about the day before your kid started eating solid foods and the scent profile of your house changed forever.

Here Comes the Sun — A cheerful ditty for when the multi-day rainstorms (or snowstorm, ice storm, etc.) ends and the kids can go out of the house again.

Help! — Is there any better song for the first one to 180 days of having a newborn?

Let it Be — The wise and well-known anthem for husbands when their pregnant and very tired wife falls asleep on their arm, which also is now asleep.

Come Together — Song for when you’re trying to encourage the kids to all work together and take care of some task as a team.

I Should Have Known Better — Song for when you fail at encouraging the kids to all work together and take care of some task as a team.

Don’t Let Me Down — The soundtrack for when you’re driving your wife to the hospital/birthing center while she’s in labor and you’re praying the minivan doesn’t break down.

I Want to Hold Your Hand Anthem for crossing streets, parking lots, intersections and riding escalators with toddlers.

A Hard Days Night — The song you should play the morning after you’ve been up all night with a kid who has croup.

Across the Universe — For those introspective moments when you think back on a time pre-kids and marvel at the space between now and then.

Cry Baby Cry — I’m telling you, some Beatles song titles take no imagination to connect to parenting.

Eight Days a Week — The song for when someone asks a father with teenagers or lots of boys how often you have to stock the refrigerator with groceries.

With a Little Help from My Friends — Song title for when someone asks how I’m going to load all the stuff we need to take with us on vacation.

Hello, Goodbye — The song title for capturing the amount of time you have to chat when running into someone you know while out doing stuff with all the kids.

Harris and his wife live in Pflugerville with their seven children. Please email comments or suggestions for future columns to

Caleb Harris
Caleb Harris

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Daddy Days: The best Beatles song titles for ...