Your Daily CatScope for January 05, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You've got to make sure that you're still getting some exercise every day -- unless you're a kitten, in which case the problem should take care of itself. All that pent-up energy needs to be used!


You feel kind of regal today -- even more so than usual, if that's possible! You may need to try something that feels different if you want to keep the peasants in line, though. Hear them out, for once!


You've got to spend some extra time just lounging around, thinking things through. You tend to be more thoughtful than the other kitties and today, your quiet energy is perfect for intellectualizing!


Think hard about what's coming up in your life -- even if it's just another round of chasing squirrels around the yard or napping somewhere snug all day long. You've got big plans!


It's an almost perfect day for you and you may finally achieve a goal of yours that's been sitting in the back of your mind forever. Maybe you get to go outside, or maybe you outfox that human!

Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!


You're trying your best to help the humans, but they seem oblivious at best. They may try to shoo you away if they think you're underfoot, so be ready for outrage when that finally happens.


You've got some serious social energy today that just has to be expended with friends -- try not to spend too much time on your own! If the humans need alone time, they'll shoo you away.


You see something facing you as a challenge and you're right -- but that doesn't mean you should attack it all-out! Just try to push forward a little and see what happens next. You might be surprised!


You're surprisingly articulate today -- well, the humans are surprised, anyway! You may not be able to bust out the same kind of vocabulary they use, but you can at least make your message heard.


It feels like everyone is on your case for no good reason and all you want is to relax and enjoy your day. People want you to move, to stop playing with the fun cables or to eat when it's time to eat.


It feels like a big day for you, so see if you can redouble your efforts to explore the world outside the house or just make life as sweet as possible for your friends and family members. It's worth it!


There's so much melodrama going on around the house that you're not sure if your little heart can take it all! Try to make sure you've got some respite, or at least a little nook to hide out in!

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.