Your Daily CatScope for January 10, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Sometimes you've got to do more than just brush up against their legs and purr -- you've got to really listen to what they humans have got to day. Things are just like that now, so zip your lip and open the ears!


Try not to make a big deal out of your daily routines -- they're just there to keep you on track and help the humans remember to do important things like feeding you. It's a good time to play more!


You've got some seriously brainy energy today and ought to find that people are paying closer attention to you as a result. Maybe you've figured a way past the cupboard doors -- or something even smarter.


You've got to be wary of new things -- even more so than usual! As a kitty, you've got skepticism down to a science and today brings at least one new scheme that you need to reject right away.


Someone else can get you almost everything you need today, whether it's a delicious scrap from the table or a much-needed belly scratch. It's great to have so many great folks around when you need them!

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Try not to worry too much if things get weird today -- and they will. It's all just little stuff, though and you need to forget about that kind of distraction if you want to stalk the birds.


You'd like nothing more than to just sit quietly and just watch the world go by. It's all so sweet to you and even if you don't get to go outside, watching through the window is just fine by you.


Your life is pretty sweet and easy and on days like today, you remind yourself how much better you've got it than your ancestors ever did. No sleeping in the rain for you -- unless you feel like it!


You might need to enforce the law today -- even if it's the law of the jungle. Someone is making a big mistake and you're the one who has to let them know, hopefully just with a look or a quick growl.


You're suddenly even more serious than usual -- which is saying a lot! Things are pretty crazy for you and your human family, but you know just what to do to make them better for everyone.


You are on brainy kitty and today brings that out in you even more than usual. You might get past a barrier, outsmart a dog (though how hard is that, really?) or just invent a new game to play.


You've got to make up your mind about something today, but you're not so sure what it's going to be just yet. You may as well just go with whatever's easiest -- that seems to have worked for you in the past!

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.