Your Daily CatScope for January 13, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You and your fiery energy are burning through the house or the neighborhood at a frantic pace and exploring new places with uncanny instincts. It's easy for you to scare up new friends and adventures!


You're full of great dreams today -- so much so that you might never want to wake up! If you must (you've got to eat, after all), then even while padding around the house, you should find things a bit surreal.


Even if it seems like the humans are in charge today, like they usually are, things are still up to you. That doesn't mean you can get away with anything, but it does mean you've got more control than you think!


Something is troubling you around the house and that may push you out into the yard or even farther beyond -- for now. You know that eventually you need to go back home and face the music!


You're full of amazing energy today and ought to find that the people in your life are energized just by spending time with you! That means it's your responsibility to spread it around, of course!

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You are feeling incredibly serious about something that seems to be your responsibility. Maybe you're trying to teach that kitten a lesson, or maybe you need to keep that one human happy.


You can tell that it's going to be a great day -- the humans are attentive, your energy levels are high and it just seems as if everyone is telling you exactly what you've been longing to hear!


Though you may live on the edge most days, right now you need to play it safe. Don't try that massive leap or that delicate balance unless you can take the sting of shame if you happen to miscalculate a tiny bit!


You're filled with exactly the right kind of energy to get things done today -- no matter what you want to do. Even if your ambitions don't extend beyond napping in the sun, you feel good about life!


You're one determined kitty and no matter how hopeless things appear at first, you should find yourself pushing and pushing until you finally break through somehow. It might be quite unexpected!


You are getting along really well with everyone in the house -- or even the neighborhood, strange as that may seem. It's a really good time to remind everyone of your own importance.


You aren't surprised when the humans put the kibosh on your big plans today -- though you may want to let them know that you're displeased using your subtle ways. Things should even out soon!

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