Your Daily Couples Horoscope for June 22, 2024

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Fire is hot. Summer beaches are hot. Steam irons are hot. And you and your favorite flame thrower (that is, your partner) are hot today too! But that's obvious.


Your partner may have a couple of old friends you think are real chicken wings. Or maybe you think they're dunderheads. Or just kind of dumb. Don't make a thing about it.


What's the opposite of wandering in the dark, blindfolded, trying to find what it is you want in a relationship? Why, taking off the blindfold and letting in some light, of course!


Ever notice how much information you can discover from a casual conversation? Learn to hold your tongue and you'll benefit, especially if you and your partner are suffering from a case of TMI.


You might not be able to get everything you want right now, but you can still research and make plans. Talk to your partner about what you'd like to do together, then get the details in order.

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There are definitely times and places when it's okay to brag. But if your partner has been feeling down about things lately, you don't want to gloat too much about your own success.


Today, why don't you and your partner get out and do something sweaty together? You two could check out a new gym, a climbing wall, or a salsa class. Just get moving!


You might feel stressed today, and that should give you pause. Before you decide to ask your partner to make big changes for you, wait until you feel calmer. Then assess what you really want and need.


Now is a good time to tell your partner how you feel about the long term. You'll be amazed by how closely you two are in sync, and you ought to be able to take a few strides forward with ease.


You definitely like to divide up the chores for maximum efficiency. But sometimes you can go too far, say, having one of you responsible for all the bills and the other in charge of all the feelings.


You are moving quickly, maybe a little too quickly for your partner. It shouldn't create any long-term consequences, but you might need to take extra time soon to let them to catch up.


Why not take stock of how it's going for you? What are your dreams? daydreams? How well (or poorly) are you eating? How is your connection with your partner? Discuss.

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