Your Daily DogScope for January 10, 2023

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


You know how you get when you feel uncomfortable. You don't want another dog fight on your hands, but don't bother watching your aggression. Just take yourself out of the park when dogs start to swirl around you.


It's not a popularity contest, but it would be nice if you knew how much other dogs liked you. Don't you notice the wagging tails and happy smiles whenever you enter the dog park? Open your eyes.


There is no time like the present to do what you have always dreamed of. You already have all the connections you need anyway. In that sense, your pack is already established.


Want to get to the dark park? Your owner could be talked into going, or you could simply use momentum, but the romp you're hoping for won't happen if you are the least bit indecisive.


Things are starting to get happen. Even your human has to admit they're enjoying their daily walks with you. It's time to pat yourself on the back for making your exercise plan work, because it has.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


Peace at the dog park is not an unrealistic goal, unless you're counting on other dogs to make it happen. You'll have to ignore those who try to provoke you, even if you have to dig deep to do it.


Things don't happen overnight. Keep adding to your collection, slowly but surely. The key is to keep track of where things are buried, stashed or stored, so make mental notes.


You should know by now what needs to be done after a walk like the one you'll have, but you don't. A rebirth of sorts is just around the bend. It can't be avoided, especially if the mud can't be.


Don't just watch your owners scratching their heads and wondering what's wrong. You know what has to be done to make things right: exercise and plenty of it. Drag out the leash.


A dog standing around, looking detached? Not in your dog park. You know just how to make them jump into the fray, so walk right up and engage.


Going out is something you can count on. Now that your desperation to get to the dog run has been assuaged, what's the next thing to focus your deep feelings on?


You can't expect to go full steam ahead forever. When you enter the dog park, be sure you have plenty of energy. And if you're even slightly worn out, avoid it altogether.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!