Your Daily FinanceScope for January 10, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


It's a whole new ballgame, for you and everyone else in your boat. Looking at it as an adventure is a must-have for you and anyone who wants to join you. If others aren't on board with your attitude, then start taking independent action.


All that glitters is not gold, but at this point you'll settle for glitter. In fact, any old mirage will do. You have plenty of time to bank on reality in the future.


If your own actions didn't get you where you are, then how can the ultimate outcome be up to you? Your first step should be taking responsibility for your own situation, even if it's a collective one. Then think about moving forward, alone.


Is money really your only source of energy? It feels like it, but there are other ways to get it flowing again. Doing something nice for yourself is your first step in mending your personal grid.


Not only is laughter the best medicine, it's free. And face it, you're feeling sick. A little bit of fun won't do: You need an amplified dose. Throw in some romance or adventure, and you're well on your way to feeling healed.

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You don't have the time or the money to go with the flow. Those carefree days are like water under the bridge, at least for now. Who knows what's up ahead, but today you need to work hard just to keep yourself afloat. Start paddling.


Looking at your balance provokes only one reaction in you: Looking away again. But avoiding the bottom line won't change it. Start exploring ways to respond positively.


You took a risk, even though you convinced yourself it was a sure thing. Now you're no better than all the others who were lead along by the nose. If you learn to trust your instincts going forward, it will have been worth the other losses.


The check is definitely not in the mail but something just as good is in the pipeline. An old friend, a long lost memento or a buried memory will bring up good feelings. As long as it doesn't involve money, expect the unexpected.


Everyone wanted profits at unconscious speeds, even you. Now that it's back to the time honored system of discipline and structure, it seems like getting ahead is as realistic as reaching another planet. But if you persevere, you'll eventually get wherever it is you want to be.


You can hardly stand being around old friends. But hiding you bad financial news gives it even more power to hurt your life than it already has. Hold your head high and renew your connections.


Face it, hard work won't do the trick. You need luck on your side if you want to get out of the hole you've dug. Don't waste time looking for lucky coins or other tokens of good fortune, either, because nothing short of a rainbow will do.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.