Your Daily FinanceScope for January 13, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


How many stepping stones have you left behind you? It's time to start looking over your shoulder and doing some counting. You just may be walking backwards soon.


Those preacher types never get it right. Money isn't the root of all evil, losing it is. If that's how it feels to you, then you're not as enlightened as you like to pretend you are. Time for some soul searching.


You know there must be some kind of agenda to your life, but why must it be hidden from you? You have to attempt one thing after another if you want to bring out the general pattern. Get started.


Your lucky charm has gone into hiding. Has something scared it or does it just not feel like coming out? Either way, your job is to coax it back out into the light of day before another of your accounts goes dark.


You're trying to help but saying all the wrong things. Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all. The object of your attention is perfectly capable of handling their own finances. Repeat as necessary.

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Your instincts tell you to go for romance but your head says to go for the hard work. It goes without saying the hard work will pay off but the romance would be fun. If you need a tie breaker, add up your bills.


You feel weird, sentimental, full of regrets -- whatever it is, it's not a good place to be in. That's what one simple look back over your shoulder buys you these days. Keep looking forward instead.


Appearances aside, do you and a partner have opposing ideas or are you bouncing ideas off of each other? The answer is critical. If you're actually getting along under the surface, it could be a good day to sign on the dotted line together.


The things that had the most value in the past still have the most value today. They might not help pay the grocery bill, but they definitely sustain you. Don't dare penny pinch in the areas that really matter.


Your plans are working, although recognition will be a long time coming. But at this point, profits are more important than anything else anyway, no matter how small they may be. Let that be enough to keep you going.


You're not sure why you're going backwards instead of forward, but then the rest of the world is asking all the same questions. Don't try and fight the inevitable. The almighty dollar works in mysterious ways.


You're suddenly directionless, rudderless and leaderless. In layman's terms, you're up the creek without a paddle. What to do? Your first line of business should be replacing your leader, then work on the others.

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