Your Daily FoodScope for January 09, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Do as little as possible today. Don't even get off the couch if you don't want; that's why they invented college football and sappy TV movies. Invite friends to join in your laziness. This way, they can bring the pizza, chips and beer, and you won't have to do anything.


You'll want to mingle with lots of people today, and where better than a farmer's market? You can stock on veggies, fruit and bread while scoping out the general populace. Who knows, you might meet someone you know. Throw what you bought together and you could come up with a big pot of love stew!


The changes you've dreamt of are coming to fruition as your body begins to look lean and defined. You can attribute a clean diet of lots of protein, moderate carbs and lots of fruit and veggies to your amazing transformation. So keep on with the grilled chicken salads, you sexy thing!


A tour of farmer's markets could be a fun and productive way to spend the day. Stock up on plenty of fresh produce, breads and cheeses for a masterpiece tonight. Homemade lentil soup with a green salad, crumbly French bread and a bottle of Chilean Shiraz will be a hit.


Tensions at home may be high, and everyone will be this close to flying off the handle. You may have to take matters into your own hands to bring about peace. Race off to the market and buy what you need for a big spaghetti and meatball dinner. That'll be sure to lighten everyone's mood.

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You deserve to kick back after a hellish workweek. So do absolutely nothing today. Catch up on movies, watch football or take a long nap. Don't even muster the energy to cook dinner. Its take out Chinese tonight where a big pot of sweet and sour soup and a few egg roles will take center stage.


Everything will have two sides today. This will make it difficult to tell the real from the fake. So expect the day to be frustrating until the evening. That's when you settle in at home and cook a chicken piccata and garlic mashed potatoes meal that will be oh so real.


You'll want to interface with people today. A wine bar could be just the place. You'll mingle with people who share your passion for wine, and you'll get to eat some really good free cheese. Who knew an aged goat cheese on a water cracker would go so well with Australian cabernet?


You may have trouble getting revved up today. Could it be from too much Friday night frivolity? Thank God it's Saturday! It may not be easy to drag your butt to brunch, but you'll be glad you made the effort. The eggs Benedict will be great, but the mimosas will be even better.


You'll be all about impressing others today. From the way you dress to the way you walk, you'll dazzle people with pizzazz. But avoid trying to be an expert on things you know little about. So just shut up and enjoy your mu gu gai pan, and don't try to convince others you speak Mandarin.


You may have to put expensive dinner plans on hold for tonight. Lazy checkbook balancing means you may have less than you think ... a lot less. Scale it down tonight, but don't be surprised if your date leaves between the peanut butter crackers and mac and cheese.


Pamper the outer person today with a facial, manicure and haircut. But pamper the inner person by having what it damn well pleases for dinner. Throw calorie counts and fat content out the window and go big. A chicken and mushroom casserole with ten pounds of melted cheddar cheese should do the trick.

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