Your Daily FoodScope for January 13, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll see first hand the rewards of your hard work today. Where did all those unsightly pounds go? Right out the window, along with all that junk food. Reward yourself with something decadent. For you that could mean a little extra thousand island dressing on your green salad, so go for it!


Your energy will be intense today, maybe too much for people to handle. So cut back on the caffeine as you may start to oscillate. Herbal spearmint tea will be an ideal substitute or, for the sake of those around you, drink plain old water.


Dig straight to the heart of the matter today. Don't pussyfoot or dance around. Skip the appetizers and get right into the main course. So don't fill up on a lot of bread and soup. You'll need all the room you can spare for a massive surf and turf combo!


People will think some of your ideas are just plain kooky until they try them. Grey Poupon instead of mayo as a tuna mixer, they'll ask. Who ever heard of anything so crazy? But once they experience this new taste sensation they'll be calling you a genius!


Don't follow the crowd today. Doing whatever everyone is doing will make you something of a lemming. Dance to your own drummer instead. Let the rest of the sheep flock to the fast food joints. That way you can enjoy your tofu burger at the vegetarian restaurant in peace.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Theme restaurants can be ... interesting. But you may actually have fun at an eatery that resembles a western saloon. And you'll be delighted when a waitress named Annie Oakley brings you a Buffalo Bill Burger made from bison meat. It's lower in fat and higher in protein than regular ground beef.


Problems with coworkers can be ironed out with patience, diplomacy and good food. Peace can be restored if everyone hashes it out over lunch. Sometimes all it takes is a mound of nachos, a couple of enchiladas and a lot of chimichangas to bring back harmony.


People may be nothing more than an irritation to you today. So try to keep to yourself if you can, especially when dining. Nothing will ruin a nourishing grilled salmon salad than being surrounded by a bunch of idiots.


You'll feel the crushing weight of the mundane and tedious today. It'll take all of your energy to keep from slipping into a vegetable-like state. So enjoy that grilled chicken sandwich with the spicy chipotle spread. It could be as exciting as things get today.


You'll be thorough and meticulous in everything you do today. As a result you'll come close to perfection with work projects. You'll need to be even more painstaking afterwards. You sure do enjoy a grilled trout dinner, but picking out all those little bones can be a real hassle.


People may be astonished at your little peculiarities today. You never cease to amaze as you consistently dance to your own beat. So don't give them a second notice as you enjoy a deep-fried peanut butter and banana sandwich. Hey, if it worked for Elvis, it'll work for you.


You'll hear the call of your artistic muse today, so step into the kitchen and create your masterpiece. You may not be Jacques Pepin, but you make up in heart what you lack in talent. The tuna casserole you'll produce may not look like much to others, but it'll be the Mona Lisa to you.

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