Your Daily FoodScope for June 11, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


The Titanic set off on its ill-fated maiden journey in 1912. Like that, expect things to go wrong today. It'll take cool skipper to navigate through this day, so you might want to fill that hip flask with soothing Moroccan green tea. How would you like that? Iced, of course!


Food, as in too much of it, could be an issue today. Sweet, salty and cheesy temptations will be everywhere, so stay strong! You'll thank yourself later for lunching on a chicken-filled Caesar salad instead of pizza topped with everything.


Give a bark out to those helping our furry friends! Make sure no animals are harmed in preparing tonight's meal. Start with a hearty onion soup, followed by stir-fried tofu and veggies with brown rice and an arugula and mushroom salad.


Your emotions will rage in a most beastly manner today. It's a good thing you know how to keep them under wraps in public. But let your inner beast roar once you get home. It'll have to be beef for dinner, grilled, stir-fried, roasted, whatever. Nothing else will meet your approval.


Omar Sharif was so courageous in 'Lawrence of Arabia!' That gives me a yankerin' for labneh and cream. This yogurt-like delight is a popular breakfast meal on the Arabian Peninsula. They serve it with olives, dried mint and a drizzle of olive oil!

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You'll feel restless today, a bundle of nervous energy. Stay away from all coffee products, as you don't need to be any more jittery. Have a cup of soothing lemon-infused Japanese macha tea. The perfect balance of aroma, taste and vision will get your mojo working again.


A sudden karmic moment may put you in an unusually generous mood today. Your temporary motto will be 'mi casa es su casa'. But it won't be long before you come to your senses, irritated that you gave away all the homemade chocolate chip cookies you were hoarding for yourself.


Spring is a time of rebirth and regeneration, so do what you can today to bask in this cleansing karma. Eggs are a symbol of birth, so take advantage of that. You don't just get chickens from them. You can get also get omelets, quiche and frittatas and, of course, Eggs Benedict.


Your subconscious may trick your mind today. You'll dream everything is made from soft pretzels, including your house, your car and your little dog, too. So what are you waiting for? Bust out the mustard and start dipping!


Today's an opportune time to make decisions. Instinct will tell you the right choices, but there may still be moments of agonizing deliberation. New England or Manhattan? Belgian or Swiss? Szechwan or Mandarin? And that's just dinner, let alone where to go on vacation!


It'll be okay to cool your jets and come back to earth today. Upon touchdown you may want to arrange a quiet dinner with friends. A mellow French bistro will suit your mood, as will a glass of fine Beaujolais. But the coq au vin will feel like you're finally home.


The stars will converge to form an anvil-like shape that will drop on your head today. So expect to be fuzzy and scatterbrained. You'll dash off for a big tuna sub, thinking the Omega-3s will kick-start your grey matter, but oatmeal would have been the more ironic choice.

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