Your Daily FoodScope for June 26, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You may have to whip the family with a wet noodle to get them to do chores today. So it may be wise to set up an exchange program. You'll agree to make French toast for breakfast and tuna melt sandwiches for lunch. They'll agree to working for their food. It's win-win!


You'll feel alive and vibrant today. So take the cheer to the streets and bring others into your circle of positivity. Brunch with friends will be ideal and the perfect combination of good pals and crab cake Benedict will have your spirits soaring.


Today will be a perfect one to catch up on much-needed rest. So enjoy the beauty of a day from the comfort of your own backyard. A beach chair, burgers on the grill and a few beers should be the center of your universe today. A TV with a really long cord will make this day even better.


You may be invited to a prestigious dinner party tonight, so it would be gauche to go empty-handed. Find out what is being served and buy a few bottles of good wine to match. But don't get chintzy. Pouring red wine from a box could diminish the impact.


You'll see things from either extreme today, but never from in between. Straddling the line won't be your style as you waver from light to dark. So it'll be oatmeal for breakfast and five-alarm chili for dinner. In between will be a lot of Oreo cookies and white milk.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


You may be sick of trendy fusion restaurants, so dine somewhere different tonight: at home. There you can prepare grilled salmon steak with a citrus glaze that'll be restaurant worthy. But don't let the word get out. Your kitchen may become the next trendy dining spot.


Today will be perfect for kicking back at home. They'll be plenty to watch on TV, and that couch sure is comfy! But avoid mindless snacking during your day of rest. Eat too many cookies, chips and pistachios during the day and you won't have room for the large pepperoni pizza you've ordered for dinner.


You may be tired of the bully kicking sand in your face. He may be stronger than you, but a regular fitness and nutrition routine could make the difference. Stay consistent with exercise and a diet high in lean proteins, whole grains, fruit and veggies and by summer you'll be the one kicking sand around.


Today will be a good one to tackle small home improvement projects. They may be more detailed than you think, so it could take a while. Which will be nice, as it'll give you an excuse to dine out tonight. Will it be Thai, Italian, Greek or Mexican? Again with the details.


The well-honed discipline you display during the workweek may erode slightly today. You'll gladly feast on the fries that'll come with your cheeseburger lunch, and you may even indulge in your hankerin' for pizza. Go ahead and splurge without guilt today.


You'll feel like your head is in the stratosphere today. Forgetful and scatterbrained, it'll be hard to focus on anything. Eating brain food like salmon cakes or taking flaxseed oil won't help. No amount of Omega-3s will be strong enough to cut through fog that thick.


You'll feel like you're glowing from the inside out today. People will naturally be attracted to your radiance and don't count on spending the day alone. A morning massage and yoga session may be responsible, as could the cantaloupe and yogurt you had afterward.

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