Your Daily FoodScope for March 30, 2024

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Today will be a good one to express your many and varied emotions. Don't suppress anything, from happiness to sorrow and everything in between. Letting your feelings known will be cathartic, especially after you let loose with a joyful 'WOO HOO!' after enjoying a steak and eggs breakfast that's so good it'll literally bring tears to your eyes.


Throw some of your more interesting ideas on the table today; you may be surprised at the positive responses. You'll be able to talk coworkers into having lunch at your favorite vegetarian restaurant, where you can teach them the joys of soy, tofu and salads made with dandelions and other 'weeds.'


Prepare for an onslaught of moods from your family today when they don't get the things they want. Oh, they'll gripe and whine when you refuse to make Sloppy Joes and French fries for dinner. But one taste of your turkey meat and low fat cheese lasagna will be all that's needed to have them seeing things your way.


To call you crabby today would be an understatement as you snap your pincers at everyone. But people may be used to that by now, and find your behavior quite amusing. They may even treat you to lunch at a seafood restaurant, where you'll have -- what else -- Dungeness crab cakes!


For reasons unknown, you'll be shy and sensitive today. This uncharacteristic behavior will be puzzling, but don't waste time trying to figure it out. Ponder this situation over something that'll help you feel a little better. If that something is a thick slice of German chocolate cake and a glass of milk, then so be it.

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A forlorn friend may want to unburden their problems on you today. You'll be good with that, because you're always willing to help. Up the therapeutic ante by serving your yummy homemade beef goulash and dumplings. Your friend will be grateful for your unique brand of therapy, and that you didn't charge ninety dollar an hour for your services.


Invite friends and family to help you celebrate a special breakfast. They may be puzzled as to what holiday falls on this day, but keep them guessing. They'll soon find out that in your world it's National Blueberry Pancake Day and they'll help you mark the occasion with huzzahs and lots of Canadian maple syrup.


There will be a fluidity to today akin to the ever-moving tides of the sea. You'll zip along with the vigor of Aquaman chasing Black Manta throughout the briny deep. A busy day will leave you famished, and your dinner choice should be logical. Yep, mussels, oysters and clams should all be part of the equation.


Your energy will differ from those around you today. They'll be stressed and hyper, and you'll be the picture of serenity. But these extremes in moods will be obvious to you. While you're kicking back, sipping soothing cups of lavender tea, they're slugging down energy drinks and cappuccinos and bouncing off the walls. Look on in amusement today.


Entertain new and different ideas as you think about dining out this evening. Sri Lankan food certainly fits the bill, so give it a whirl. Dishes like lamb in shredded coconut and green peppercorns or curried chicken drumsticks will be unexpected delights that may have you coming back for more.


Despite your best efforts today will not roll easy for you. In fact, it may run all downhill. This will be frustrating, but be assured that things will get better later. A hearty grilled salmon and pesto on a bed of brown rice dinner will help put your life back on an even keel.


You may lack the confidence to attempt making something new for dinner tonight. But you'll never know unless you try, so give that cordon bleu with bacon and Brussels sprout hash recipe a whirl. It may not come out exactly right, but learn from your mistakes and your next attempt is sure to be a winner!

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