Your Daily FoodScope for October 03, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Suckering people into doing things for you today will be easy. Your charming personality makes it hard to say no. But guilt won't let you take advantage. So lend a hand to a family member you conned into making mushroom and asparagus frittatas for breakfast. Give as much as you receive today.


Have a plan of attack before starting new projects today. Knowing your purpose will eliminate meandering around or second-guessing; develop a straight line between points A and B. So make sure you have everything before starting an ingredient heavy meal like lamb stew. One missing piece might diminish the whole thing.


Everyone wins today as power struggles at home escalate into warfare. There'll be a snide remark, then a challenge and finally an invitation to throw down! And the two of you will go at it: buttermilk pancakes with hickory sausage patties in one corner, salmon Benedict and garlic home fries in the other. And your family will be at ringside, cheering the both of you on!


You'll decline your family's offers to join in their activities. You'd rather stay at home, thanks, and take advantage of the quiet time. In the evening the family will be surprised to see that you've been hard at work, and there's a big spinach and sausage lasagna and loaf of garlic bread on the table to prove it.


Laser-like focus will have you zeroing in on exactly what you want today. It'll be like mystical forces are pulling you along, past the shoe stores and galleries, the trendy boutiques and coffee shops, until you're in front of a French bistro where an outdoor lunch of spinach quiche and a glass of chardonnay will be precious.

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Encourage your kids if they take an interest in cooking. Offer tips and advice freely, but keep your criticisms creative and informative. Start them in the kid's department -- homemade marinara sauce can be used for tonight's spaghetti dinner. Take next week's lesson even further: chicken parmesan!


Don't let old issues becomes today's problems. There's a time and a place for tearing off old wounds; today isn't one of them. Arguments could shatter the peace of supper, so keep conversations light and polite. Your beef stroganoff is better when it's eaten than being thrown against the wall.


Your day will sail right along today as no one opposes your plans. Being so uncontested will flush you with a sense of power. But don't go crazy all Julia Child on them just because your family allow you make the dinner choice. They'll prefer Sloppy Joes to anything fancy or something they can't pronounce.


There may be too many cooks in your kitchen, which means it's time to take steps to simplify your life today. You don't always have to whipping up a fancy or complicated meal; sometimes a hearty pot roast is just fine. Boiling things down to the essence will be tastier in the long run.


The garden you planted has come to fruition, so spend the day reaping the rewards of your labor and patience. A basket full of freshly picked tomatoes, capsicum, carrots, kale and basil will be the foundations of a yummy seasonal dinner salad. Pick a few fresh roses for a table bouquet while you're at it.


You'll start the day low on motivation. But it's a lazy day, so it's okay. Perhaps things will pick up after eggs Benedict and toast. No? A fruit smoothie might be able to get your motors running. If not, you'll have no other choice but to hit the couch and stay there for the rest of the day.


You'll be instrumental in helping friends find a direction. When they ask for advice on a breakfast restaurant, you'll direct them to your favorite organic salad cafe, noting personal faves like tofu and spinach quiche, Greek salad with grilled chicken or veggie burgers. Their contented looks will speak volumes.

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