Your Daily HomeScope for January 05, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Was it a badminton match gone wild? Or did a pack of coyotes suddenly turn into herbivores? Though it may be an accident, nothing will bring back what was once your hollyhock patch. Rather than find the culprit, blame it on the wind and move on... to the hardware store to get fencing material.


Inspired by the blossoms growing in your yard, you'll find yourself mimicking them everywhere else you look. Be it sugared rosebuds on a birthday cake, the fresh carnations you stuck on your hat or the flowery pattern in the tablecloth you're sewing, your life will surely be filled with blooming buds.


You have too much pride to ask your mother for gardening advice, and all of your neighbors have hired lawn maintenance, so look for the answers to your gardening woes online. You may have to hunt through blogs and chat rooms to find the answer, but you may make an online friend or two along the way. Grow horseradish by taking root cuttings from established plants.


Blow off whatever responsibilities you had scheduled for today and report immediately to the picnic blanket, even if that's on your living room floor! A hunk of bread and a bit of stinky French cheese will suffice for lunch as you devour a magazine on your extended lunch hour.


Now that you've watched your housemate cook a side dish, you're wondering if it's such a good idea to have him cook the main course. This dinner party could be a disaster if you don't intervene! The trick is to take away that particular responsibility without insulting. You'll need resourcefulness and charm if he catches you adding spices to the soup when you thought his back was turned.

Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!


All you did was carry some groceries in from the car, but your small act of kindness made someone's day. Look for those little moments when you can improve someone's life -- put on a pot of coffee for someone, open the door, or take out the trash before it's overflowing and put in a new bag. These little things go a long way.


When you're cooking for a group, you go all out, but when cooking for yourself you can't help but keep it simple -- it's actually the way that you prefer your food. Enjoy the self-sufficient feeling of providing yourself with exactly what you need. Eat off a paper plate and save yourself some clean-up time tonight.


Although you excel when it comes to hospitality, sometimes you just want to be served. Even if you have to go out and pay for it -- be it a restaurant or a spa -- it's worth every cent to have the tables turned in your favor. Bring the spa home in the form of a face steamer for a pretty complexion.


You didn't think that you were in a particularly solitary mood until your housemate's simple requests started to drive you up the wall! Seek out a quiet nook today where you can read, sketch, and contemplate your dreams. Sharpen a bunch of pencils before you start to draw the landscape in your head.


Out of nowhere you may have a sudden urge to talk to a long-lost friend. While reminiscing is great, the most important part of the conversation will be when you discuss where you are now and you realize that you are truly happy. The peace of living alone means you are queen of the house and your collection of antique dolls can smile softly from the mantle not the closet.


Just like you made sure that your bulbs are planted in time for spring, you'll need to make sure that your bases are covered before guests come to stay at your house this week. There's nothing worse than a last-minute scramble to make sure you have enough clean linens and towels. Show them how the alarm clock in the guest room works.


The pattern simply doesn't make sense to you when you read it through. Use a magnifying glass to count the stitches of your cross stitch pattern. Make sure the blue thread hasn't fallen into the chair cushion and chances are that everything will click into place.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.