Your Daily HomeScope for January 13, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You won't be able to settle for anything but the best today -- use superfine sugar when called for in your lemon souffle and chopped scallions, not white onions, for your mashed potato souffle. Even though the ingredients cost a bit more, the results will be well worth the pennies.


You may panic to realize that you've spent so much time relaxing around the house you haven't made any travel plans! Put together some last-minute trips for the coming months. You can find good deals today.


When the sprinklers come on, they somehow manage to spray a mist along the sliding glass windows, leaving water stains that drive you up the wall. It's a small detail, but one that makes you profoundly annoyed. Don't give the problem your rancor, simply lower the water pressure and change the sprinkler angle. Use a squeegee on the glass panes.


When you said that you wanted a green-themed living room, you didn't mean that you wanted the walls painted green -- you meant you wanted it to be more eco-friendly. Get used to the fact that others will misinterpret you today. Keep your eyes opened and make sure that no one is accidentally painting the living room. Add green plants for oxygen.


Others may think the embroidered flowers you work on all afternoon are 'pretty' or 'nice,' but you know that they go beyond the frivolous. Sift desiccant crystals over flowers form your garden to preserve them. Store on a cloth in separate boxes if you plan to use the fragile blooms in an arrangement that gives you pleasure later.

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When you put up a flyer at work asking whether anyone would like to help build a nearby community garden, your hopes weren't high. But much to your surprise, you'll find that there are lots of people at your work who think just like you. Rejoice in finding that you are among your 'people.'


You're used to onions making you cry, but the sight of a flower garden in full bloom, or the sight of an heirloom on a shelf does not regularly bring on the water works. It is time to invest in waterproof mascara. If every little thing is making you misty-eyed today, you're better off jumping in the pool where at least everything will be watery. Work through the blues with a few laps.


If you're sick of picking up other people's dirty socks then it's time to do some delegating. Pretend the washer is broke and send your housemates to the laundromat to teach them that it is faster to do the chores at home.


Though it may kill you to hold off on buying those designer linens -- especially since they're on sale -- it's best to save your dollars this week. Even the sale price for this item is above and beyond what you should really spend. Dress your plain white sheets in flower petals and invite your spouse to help you crush them.


Impress others with your homemade cooking this week. While others have accepted that box brownies and frozen piecrusts are par for the course, such things never enter your kitchen. Don't brag, but if someone asks what kind of pie crust you used, simply say 'my own.' Vanilla brownies with chopped pecans go good with milk.


As the pine tree in your yard drops its cones on the lawn, you may think it adds a charming touch. But in three months when trees start sprouting up, you won't think that it's so cute. Though you love the tree in your yard, you don't need a whole grove of them. Harvest the pine cones to use in Christmas craft projects.


When the opportunity to do something amazing comes up this week, just say yes. You can worry about how you'll pay for gas and groceries later -- this is an opportunity you shouldn't pass up.

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