Your Daily MomScope for January 09, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You're just itching to expand your social circle, and it would be good for your little one to interact with some other babies completely different from them. You'll both enjoy a chance to make a new friend today.


Are you really on your true path? Today would be a good day to request a job evaluation or some other feedback. Then you can make any adjustments required. From your baby, it's all positive, with a sticky kiss substituting for thumbs up.


When your kiddo meets a new baby today, they'll go ahead and form a new friendship. You may be uneasy since the two are so different at first glance. But it turns out to be more of an advantage than a drawback -- who knew?


Although you usually play your cards close to your chest, this would be a good day to open up. Your ideas are right on target, and your coworkers are more receptive to them than you think. Toot your own horn today.


Can't get away for a big family trip? Go out and get some sombreros for the kiddos and decorate the family room with bright blankets. Then have a Mexican feast picnic-style as you watch beach videos -- instant fiesta!

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It's a good day to fulfill a family obligation. Maybe you have to return a favor or just help out where it's needed. In either case, the good deed is its own reward, and you're setting a very good example for your little one.


You need to explore some high-minded ideas today. Look into getting involved with a community or charity group. It's good to show the tyke the value of not only having ideals but acting on them.


You can help your little one confront something that seems too good to be true. Like when another tyke hands them a new toy, they should know there's a difference between lending and giving -- and both are good.


Your social plans may change at the drop of a hat -- but it doesn't bother you at all. You know how to improvise a pirate or princess party for the tyke and a few of their close friends. Who needs theme parks when you're around?


This is a day to work behind the scenes, on the job and off. You might volunteer to manage the backstage affairs of the tyke's school play or music recital. Who knew the inner workings of culture could be so interesting?


You believe in giving back to your community, and your tyke also wants to be socially useful. At their age, there's not a whole lot they can do that will be obvious. But if you put your heads together, you'll figure out something.


You may be so busy today, you forget to pay attention to tiny ears. Your tyke is like a sponge that takes absolutely everything in, so be mindful. They will remember every word of what you said about Aunt Sally.

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