Your Daily MomScope for January 10, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Hesitant to sign up for that school or daycare committee? Doing so might provide an opportunity to meet people from another country or culture. Getting to know these people will help your little one open their mind.


All that glitters is not gold. You may come across a scheme that promises you will get rich quickly or can start a home-based business today. Check it out thoroughly before you sign up for anything.


It's tempting to preach to your children today, because you want them to know exactly what they should and should not do. You'll find your carefully composed speeches fall on deaf ears. Just keep leading by example.


Seek and you shall find. It could be a big breakthrough, like how to achieve inner peace. Or just taking on your tyke and their buddies for a rousing game of hide-and-seek. It's your call today.


You want to get a jump on that to-do list, but could end up going in all directions at once. Focus and you'll get more done. Include that romantic dinner with the other half in the mix, the one you may have skipped recently.

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Ignore any pettiness today, whether it's the kind that seems to spring up at daycare, the playground or work. If you simply rise above it all, both you and your baby will be much happier today. Try it.


Your little ones like to explore, so why not set up a scavenger hunt for them? Lead the gang from place to place and see if they can discover the clues you hide. Make sure to keep them easy and place them low for the littlest tykes.


Your kiddo is going to be taking a big risk today. You might want to hold them back, but they need to stretch themselves and see what they can do. Have that safety net ready just in case and they'll be fine


You have the potential to gain even greater confidence today. It could be something a coworker or another mom at daycare says about you that gives you a boost. Whatever the source, make sure to use it to achieve something today.


If the day zooms by, it could be because you're moving so speedily. This is sure to win you points on the job. Just be aware of your kiddo's limitations -- little legs can only move so fast, you might have to slow down.


You'll want to help your little one spend more time with their friends today, so invite the whole gang over for a play date. It's up to you to think of new games they can play, set up the dance floor or karaoke machine.


You may have to deal with authority today. The boss may be acting erratically, and it will be up to you to keep up with changing demands. Fortunately, you have the finesse to handle even the most difficult people today.

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